Ok. I know this sounds dumb.(Especially since I've had a child) I feel dumb but I want opinions before I freak and see my doc. I've had some nausua, my belly is slowly getting bigger (but I'm not gaining weight anywhere else and have only gained 5 pounds and my belly is kinda firm) I am normally slim and my family has asked if i'm pregnant. I have been very tired. (Like I was w/ my first pregnancy) Periods have been weird and lighter than usual. Have had weird cravings (like I did before) My skin and nails are changing. I've had to pee alot. And I have had unprotected sex. I'm having periods but light ones. I have heard of people having periods till like the last trimester of pregnancy. And recently I swear i have felt fluttering in my stomach. (Don't get cheesy w that either!) The kind of movement I felt with my son. What do you think? I know on your second pregnancy you feel things sooner and every pregnancy is different. Should see my doc?
Is it possible to be pregnant and not know for a few months?
You sound very pregnant to me. My mum never found out she was pregnant with my younger sister until she was 5 months. She done 3 home pregnancy test and they all came back negative and went the docs 3 times and the doctor said she wasn't (she knew she was because she had 5 children before this one). Finally she went the docs a fourth time and she said 'oh my god yes you are' and told her she was 5 months gone. So i would definatly do a test and go the docs so you can sort out a scan and other things.
Congratulations (if you are) and Good Luck!!
Reply:Yes. you can be pregnant and not realize it.
See your doctor.
Reply:you dont get a period, you can have early pregnancy bleeding and i had it with my first pregnancy so i didnt find out i was pregnant till i was 12 weeks along.... my flow was off, lighter, and just different so i went to the doctors and did a pee test.... its very possible for you to be so just go buy a test.
Reply:I think you should take a home preg test and then see your doc. it is very possible for you to be preg and not know. one of my friends didnt find out till she was nearly 7 months with her 2nd! You are right alot of women do get period throughout their preg so dont know but as your periods have been different and you feeling symptoms, take a test. Good luck!
Reply:All those symptoms sound like you are pregnant! You can be pregnant and not know it. My friend was 5 months and then realized she was pregnant! Go take a pregnancy test to confim that your pregnant or not! I'd suggest seeing a doctor then if the test shows up positive!
Good Luck!
Reply:Definitely see your Dr! You know your body best. Crazy as it sounds...my best friend was over 6 months pregnant when she found out. She was in the Army and always moving and active so she never felt the baby move!! YIKES! She had to give the baby up for adoption because she was still in the Army and wasn't ready to have a baby in 3 months.
Reply:i did nto knwo i was pregnant until i was about 11 weeks or so- i still had what i thoguth were periods but they were very light- thats what amde me test- i also got a sick feeling every time i tried to eat meats- if i were you i would test
Reply:I know a girl who didn't know she was pregnant till 30 weeks because her 'periods' were still turning up and her belly never actually got any bigger till 35 weeks the only reason she found out she was pregnant was because she kept fainting and the Dr's had no idea why. What I would suggest is to take a home pregnancy test and see what it comes up with, if it's a negative I would still suggest going to the Dr's and asking for a blood test just to rule pregnancy out. From the symptoms it sounds like pregnancy to me but only a test can confirm it! good luckx
Reply:I say go to your doctor to be sure cause after your 1st pregnancy you do seem to have some of the same feelings way after the baby born and that might be fear that u could be again. and yes it is very possible to not know you're pregnant not for me cause so far both my pregnancy i was sick as a dog but a had a friend that was on the shot and she got pregnant but she didnt know till she was 6mos and she had 3 other kids i will never forget the day she told me she was so surpised but she deal with it good i just being a mother of 3 most things dont phase you lol. good luck and go to the doctor to make sure.
Reply:Dear Friend, I hope this helps. -Sincerely, Runner
Pregnancy Signs for Teens
If you are a teenage girl engaged in sexual activities, there is a chance you may be pregnant. The pregnancy signs for teens do not differ much from the signs and symptoms of pregnancy in adult women. While the following signs and symptoms may help a teenager determine if she may be pregnant, the only way to know for certain is to have your pregnancy diagnosed by a doctor. However, before seeing a doctor, you may also take a pregnancy test. These tests are usually up to 99% accurate.
If you think you may be pregnant, you may talk to one of our female consultants by calling 1-800-395-HELP. Our consultants are available at all hours to answer your questions and to connect you to a local center that offers free pregnancy tests and other pregnancy services. You may also search our online database of pregnancy centers to find help in your area.
Early Signs of Teen Pregnancy
There are many pregnancy signs for teens. In some cases these early signs of teen pregnancy may occur for reasons other than pregnancy. For example, if a teen is unusually stressed or active, she may experience one or more pregnancy signs common in teens. Early signs and symptoms of teen pregnancy include:
a missed period
nausea or vomiting
frequent urination
tenderness and fullness of breasts
changes in appetite
Although taking a pregnancy test is the most common way a woman tells she is pregnant before seeking a medical diagnosis, these early signs are worth noting. Things like stress or activity levels can create many of these signs, including delaying a menstrual period or causing fatigue or changes in appetite.
Later Signs of Teen Pregnancy
As a pregnancy progresses, the signs and symptoms become more pronounced and harder for teens to miss. Some of these pregnancy signs include:
an enlargement of the abdomen
weight gain or loss
aches such as backaches or headaches
quickening (feeling of fetal movement)
pregnancy mask
food cravings
Trained medical personnel can also detect additional signs and symptoms of pregnancy with a physical exam and other procedures such as an ultrasound. These signs and symptoms include changes in the size and shape of the uterus, changes in the cervix, or fetal heart signs or movements.
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these pregnancy signs, you can get free, confidential help by calling 1-800-395-HELP.
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