Monday, November 21, 2011

What is the most pain you've been in? Physically?

For me....It was when I had a second degree burn from the son on my back. It hurt like hell....probably because the nerve tissue was still alive so i could feel my skin burning from the inside out.

What is the most pain you've been in? Physically?
Now this is an interesting question, because I definitely have a "Most" moment for me. The most pain I've ever been in is when I got run over by a train while I was working for a railroad company, and drug down the track 187 feet, and lost my right leg. I was conscious during the entire event when my back was being skinned raw as I was being drug down the track, legs first, and on my back. Actually, the back skinning felt wonderful, like somebody was scratching my back, compared to the pain of having my right leg crushed under the railroad car's wheels. I also got my left ankle broken and a rib on my right side broken. But from that experience, I can pass on some wonderful advice. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER try to beat a train across the tracks!!! Although my accident happened while I was on foot, working on a train, I can tell you from the pain, and from the experience of being in the locomotive as we hit a car parked against the tracks once, we in the locomotive don't feel a thing!! Truly!! You, on the other hand, will feel hell like you could never imagine, and death would be an acceptable alternative to staying alive whilst being drug down the track on your back and watching your leg get torn off. The bone is truly white!! And the muscle tissue and blood is a BEAUTIFUL crimson red, but the show ain't worth the pain or disability. Please approach railroad tracks with the UTMOST caution. We truly have no desire to hurt or kill you, but sometimes people present us with no alternative. Drive with care. God Bless you.
Reply:i broke my knee
Reply:I can think of two things that tie for being the most painful. The first one is the neck injury I sustained from a car accident. I have herniated discs and pinched nerves. Everytime I move my head I feel pain in my neck, shoulder, and right arm.

The second, was when I passed two kidney stones. My abdomen and back hurt so bad, I had to go to the ER and have IV pain killers and get a prescription for percoset.
Reply:giving birth... also, i once was cleaning my ears and i ruptured my ear drum. i could not, eat, move or sleep for about a week. there was nothing i could do about it. i went to go see the doctor and i had to wait two hours in the waiting room. i ended up fainting.

i did too once burn my finger. i was making macaroni and cheese for my son, and when i went to go drain the boiling water, i tripped and poured boiling water all over my hand. i have a huge scar on my index finger from it...

pain sucks.
Reply:burns do hurt like hell . . .my most painful experience would be landing on my face after being ejected from my bicycle. Dislocated Jaw (OW!) broken tooth, stitches in my chin and a chipped bone in my hand- what a mess. (and I was on vacation too!)
Reply:Emergency C-section. They couldn't put me completely under due to heart problems and the epidural wasn't placed correctly.

My parents said they heard my screams clear into the waiting room.
Reply:An IBS attack. That is by far THE worst pain ever. Cuz the pain just lingers and lingers. It has gotten to the point where I'm about to faint. Its burns so much.
Reply:Definitely a tooth ache
Reply:Has to be the period pains I used to get as a kid, or possibly my miscarriage (I didn't even know I was pregnant!)

In terms of injury though has to be slamming my finger in a car door! Ouch!

Reply:shattering the bones in my lower leg or breaking my femur, both pretty painful
Reply:I've have two the time I broke my ribs and it hurt every time I breathed, and when a nerve was dieing in one of my my teeth.
Reply:mine would probably be when i got thrown up in cheerleading and not caught at all so i fell about 8 feet and tried to catch myself and hyperextended my arm... result i broke my wrist and fractured my arm in 7 places have had 5 surgeries. never been burnt that bad though

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