Monday, November 21, 2011

Isn't Christianity spiritual white supremacy?

Jesus was not white but he is depicted with blue eyes and white hair when he is described with bronze skin and wooly hair. Judaism and Christianity both are forms of Hebraism that originated in Africa, and there is an abundance of evidence including temples and tombs that verify this truth. White christians have killed, tortued and pillaged the resources of christians with color all over the world. Jesus said the second greatest commandment is to love your brother as you love yourself but there isnt even equality amongst christian nor the desire to create it. Christian say you must worship this white man who died for your sins all the while they devise ways to keep the colored people of the world oppressed. People are dying from Aids and the Pope says it is a sin to wear a condom. Christianity is nothing more than a scheme to keep the masses dumb, deaf and blind.

Isn't Christianity spiritual white supremacy?
Don't generalize Christianity- many many many religions fall under the broad term Christianity and unfortunately- many of them, including and especially Catholicism are not Christian in nature. Be careful of how you stereotype people and groups. There are many true Christian churches that recognize and acknowledge Hebraic roots, know that Jesus was not a blue eyed, fair skinned surfer dude, and are fully accepting of all races and creeds. I agree that there are some out there that are just as you describe but when you put us all in the same catergory, you are bearing false witness and spreading a lot of misinformation.
Reply:You're absolutely correct. Amen brother
Reply:AMEN brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:preach, sir!
Reply:so are you trying to reform christianity from within

should we instead have an image of a black jesus

what happens when we are dead and in 2000 years and it becomes about black supremecy

maybe what we need is no images of gods
Reply:First..the Pope worships Jesus's mother...therefore bypasses Christianity.

As for Jesus's color...He was born in Bethlehem to Middle Eastern mom and God... While no one gave a discription of His looks...people of that are aren't exactly light skinned. We are made in the image of Him...does it really matter what Christ's skin color was?
Reply:The truth is Christianity means a follower of Christ. Skin color is of no relevance. The graven images you speak of were created in the catholic church. If you read the scriptures you will never see skin color mentioned. God loves everyone.
Reply:Christianity may be a lot of bad things, but it is not white supremacy. In Africa, Jesus is depicted as a black man. Also, a Moor could rise to very high status in Europe before colonialism reared its ugly head (think of Shakespeare's play Othello). Europeans didn't really have a concept of "the white race;" they thought of themselves as English, French, Russian, etc., just as Asians today think of themselves as Chinese, Japanese, Vietmanese, etc. today. They thought of Africans as exotic and foreign, but not inferior. The whole concept of "the white race" is an invention of colonialism, an excuse to oppress the non-European peoples.
Reply:The Europeans changed Jesus to match their ideal because God created man in his image, so God must look like them, right? And Christians these days really aren't doing that many crusades... so killing by Christians is kind of minimal. And it's really the wackos that think they are doing the will of God that went/go on killing sprees. I wouldn't attack such a large group of people who do some really great things for the world just because you don't agree with everything they do or say. I think that you're doing the very thing that causes people to get a bad taste in their mouth for religious faiths of all kinds. You're shoving your ideas down the throats of others in an effort to convert people. If you don't like Christianity, that's fine. But don't think you're going to make it disappear anytime soon. It's one of the largest religious groups in the world. We atheists should lobby for our ideals, by not by attacking an negating the beliefs of others.
Reply:Jesus is often drawn, painted and depicted in whatever nationality he is presented in.I've seen paintings of Jesus in almost every culture you can imagine.

He was a Jew, and most likely did not have blond hair and blue eyes. Most of us know this. Its true that many wars have been fought over God, and many people claiming to fight for Christ have done so really for their own gain, but Jesus never promoted those all those things. Just because a Christian does something and says they are doing it in the name of God it doesn't make it right.

You should also know that not all Christians use the Pope as the head of their church, that's a Catholic belief, not a Christian one.The pope doesn't make whats a sin and whats not God does.

You claim your truth is in temples and tombs, my truth is in my know where the truth is found? In the word of God. Its in the message of Jesus Christ. Jesus was not about oppressing people, he was about setting them free.

He was beyond color of skin, beyond racial discrimination. He loved us so much and he came to show that. He died for ALL of our sins, because we are all equals, we are all Gods creations.
Reply:The pope doesn't speak for all Christians. As for killing and pillaging Christians "of colour" all over the world, is this really true, or propaganda, and isn't it true that other religions do this as well, and kill people of other religions? I was of the opinion that there were many many black Christians in America for instance, true Christians do not hate or despise them. I am a Christian and do not hate people of other colours, I don't hate anyone, I hate the evil things that happen, but don't blame this on any one person, colour or race etc. Actually, many of my friends, Christian or otherwise are "of colour", but I don't actually see the colour, I don't think to myself "oh yes, so and so is Asian" or anything else, if you do this, then are you not the racist one?

It sounds like you're just a bitter moron who wants to slam Christians.
Reply:hahahahahaa. nice try racist.

Jesus Himself had to be very very dark, almost black. shouldnt be! Jesus did preach love and that we are ALL I cant speak for all Christians but I can speak for myself when I say that although I am NOT perfect I do try to treat every single person the same! And Jesus is not white...he was a Hebrew in his human form then when he decended into heaven...he is in SPIRITUAL form...meaning that he has no race! And the pope says its a sin to wear a condom because when you get married you are supposed to have children! But he isnt saying that you shouldnt wear a condom if you have shouldnt be having sex REGUARDLESS if you have aids! And Satan is nothing more then a scheme to keep you from seeing what Jesus is REALLY saying! If he didnt love you and me and the world...why would he have died for it? Im sure if you just asked the Lord into your heart he would open your eyes and you would see! I will pray for you!


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