Monday, November 21, 2011

Is she lying to me?

my wife has told me for years that being in a loving life will help the heart heal all woes and troubles. We have always been honest with eachother and never tried to hurt eachother.

Then I am at a loss when I do so much for her why she treats me as a second class citizen. I am too hurt for words to tell you my pain. As an example of what i do for her, well, I :

# go to her mother's house 2wice a week

# watch her crappy tv show on Living

# entertain her fireman fantasy in the bedroom

# hear endless soap opera storylines

I have been told for years that she couldn't come into contact with seamen as it will sting her skin and form a rash. I have recently found out that some women handle it and even sometimes are willing to get a bit on their faces.

Has she been telling me lies?

Is she lying to me?
Why won't you leave her?

Be with me!

I'm only allergic to mangoes!
Reply:This has to be a joke....but hey can I just say....... you look like a sea man.
Reply:That's ridiculous. You start off good then it ends in utter crap. Respect your wife's wishes.
Reply:your wife is good real good!!
Reply:I'm gonna agree that this isn't a serious question. Sounds bloody silly that a grown man would ask something like this. However, in the slight chance that I'm wrong... not quite sure exactly what you want to know, but there are some people with sensitive skin that can get rashes from various things, including semen. Not sure whether she's lying or not... but if she's not okay with getting any on her skin, then you should respect that. And if that weirds you out too much, then have a talk with her about it.
Reply:i should think that if you cant spell semen then not only are you not married but furthermore you are about 12 !
Reply:what kind? white lies?,, half truths?

You need to get a hold of some courage and confront her with what bothers you about her. Be nice about it. She might also open up and tell you what bothers her about you. Come on, talk to each other and be open but be civlized about it. So get of the computer now and go speak with her.
Reply:You class that as doing a lot for her? She is probably telling a white lie. What she means is, she don't want your semen to touch her. She does't fancy you and is only putting up with you until she finds someone better.
Reply:Being so limited with the conditions given, no one can make sure that its wrong or wright, so on the very beginning you need to be sure, life never runs with predictions. i remember one book every time when its the matter about relations "MAN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMENS ARE FROM VENUS" title itself explains that no one can understand the another cent percent. just be sure that what you have given to her. Except exceptions, majority of the womens are trueholding, get focussed, give time to her a bit more as you are alerady interested on that relation, you will find everything by yourself. And after this there will be nothing that i have to tell, you are capable to make your decisions yourself.

thank you
Reply:i think you are joking us x
Reply:Sure she has they all do.Like the fireman thing ding ding rings my bell
Reply:While some women are extra sensitive to, or are even allergic to semen, this is rare and if you think she may not be telling you the whole truth, it would probably be better for your marriage to actually have a serious conversation with your wife about what you think she may be lying to you about and how you feel about how she's been treating you. Do this in the presence of a therapist if necessary.
Reply:Sorry but I have no words..... "seamen" get a boat.....
Reply:What good is a fireman when he can't put out the flames when your hair is on fire? Hose her down, I say.
Reply:suggest that you both go to see a doctor to get advice regarding her allergy to your semen? if she won't go then you will know that she is hiding something. i would be very concern about that if I was you. some women are allergic to semen but best find out for sure!!! you and your wife need to sit down and have a heart to heart chat about your relationship.
Reply:how much longer are you going to take this rubbish. its about time you did something that you both jointly would like to do. Be a man my friend and tell her how it is. As you say she is allergic to seamen, is there a soldier or a flying officer in the wardrobe you are being taken for a clown old son clarify this situation with your doc and then as she spends so much time at her mothers let her live there. does she go out without you?check it out!
Reply:lmao i can handle seaman why shouldnt she?i think she is being a bit selfish
Reply:It's you who needs to be honest with her and tell her about your smelling (how do you put it) 'essense of a lady' I'm sure once you tell her what you've been upto at her mother's house (laundry basket) these problems won't be your priority I can assure you!


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