Monday, August 23, 2010

Can I give warts to my transexual fiancee if removed?

I went to the doctor to have my cauliflower wiener looked at and he said I have genital warts and hes gonna reffer me to a dermatologist to have them removed, I was so upset that I didnt bother to continue talking to him and he told me to reffer questions to the dermatalogist for they are the experts in skin conditions.

My question is I am straight guy and am getting married to a transexual, can I give him the warts if I have them permanently removed, for how long will I be contagious, do we always have to use protection. I am using it now because I told her I wanted to be more careful, could he have them too and his wiener will too look like a cauliflower?

I am worried if my transexual fiancee finds out I have them because I cheated on her withe another tranny she will cancel the wedding.

I am petrified, that I will be left alone with this problem, how do I tell her the truth, she has said she will never forgive me cheating on her, no second chances at all!!!

Can I give warts to my transexual fiancee if removed?
Yes, you can. Good luck.
Reply:How can you give someone something that is gone. If you cut your hand off could you slap him with it?
Reply:Genital warts is a virus. You can still carry this virus on your genitalia area. This virus and the virus that causes herpes does not go away when the symptoms do, and to make matters worse, a condom will not protect you from these viruses. Even if a person shows no sign of them, you can still contract these viruses yourself.


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