Friday, August 20, 2010

Dose this make sence? (depression)?

According to all of the so-called prefesionals depression is a chemical embalance that can be correted with the right medication, not a feeling of circumstance that you can just snap out of.

Well i was in an accedent in Aug. where i broke 14 bones in the left side of my body. I was laying in a hospital for a total of 5 weeks and couldn't walk around til just a week ago(still need a walker)... The second week in the hospital a psychiatrist came to my room to put me on zolof even though i wasn't irrationally depressed... i was ticked off because i 1) couldn't talk - so how could she tell i was depressed, 2) when the nurses would change my sheets they would constintly role me on to my left side which had those 14 broken bones plus chuncks of muscle torn out of my leg and skin graphs on the leg and arm - i think i had a reason to be upset by way of extreme pain

ill write more in the aditional details...

Dose this make sence? (depression)?
I don't know where you were treated but if real nurses rolled you on your injured doesn't bode well for the medical care you received. Also you, a relative or a legal guardian would have had to approve any and all medical treatment including Zoloft you received. In the US at least you have to sign the OK for everything.

I have been treated for a fractured neck, broken back, 12 broken bones on my left side and more (not all at once) and never did they even suggest the use of anti-depressants. And yes, most medical professionals believe depression is primarily due to a chemical imbalance and prescribe the new SSRIs like Zoloft...considered a great improvement over the the old tricycles (doxepin HCL, amitriptyline) and the even old MAO inhibitors.

The problem...and I am not a medical least as I see it is determining when people are truly depressed and can benefit from supervised medication and just feeling down, blue or "situational depressed". I know I didn't feel "happy" about wearing a back brace for 6 month 24 hrs/day (except for bathing) but my doctor never suggested anti-depressant or anxiety meds (Valium, Xanax).

Sounds to me like you might want to ask for the clinic reason for being given Zoloft and who gave the OK.
Reply:they witnesses your behavior 24/7

you must have shown S/S of depression to warrant a psych consult

hope you are now on the mend
Reply:Zoloft also helps with pain believe it or not.
Reply:the doctors probably thought you were depressed instead of hurt. i dont know why the doctors would even put you on your left side duhh wtf were they thinking that it could heal you faster ? I dont know why they would send a psychiatrist into the room they probably wanted everything done at once i would definatly have a talk with the hospital and tell them what most of the nurses had done and try and get them into trouble so it dont happen again to another person. Hope this helps

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