OK before yall jump the gun just listen. OK God created the earth and on 7th he rested. Now in no book does it say how long those days were....remember God is well God. SO maybe to us those seven days were all millions of years long. Bible says we were created from the earth. so how do we know when he created us from the earth what was 1 second to God was actually the time it took for evolution to occur.. If you can enlighten me on how this can be false please e-mail me.....oh yes, no where in the bible does it say God didi not create every single molecule and law of physics (which are ever changing). To me it is an insult to God to humanize God to our level. After all no matter what faith you are we will never know until we each go beyond this life. to argue religion and argue who is right and who is wrong is so ignorant, more ignorant than judging a person by the color of their skin or origin.....have we become so aDVANCED THAT WE HAVE BECOME IGNORANT.
Is it possible that creation and darwinism can both be right?
Yes. As I think you are understanding, Scripture and Darwinism (Religion and Science) address different questions. The creation accounts of Genesis are not intended to give a factual account of how the earth, sky, animals, etc. came into being but to convey Israel's experience of a God who is both transcendent (the first account) and intimate (the second account).
Darwin was concerned about the where and why of different species.
Reply:first of all, don't call it darwinism. It isn't a religion. And if you would look it up, there is about a billion of questions asking the same thing.
Reply:No. No god.
Reply:I think God uses laws of nature as tools, I have no trouble imagining that.
Reply:If you think that god lit the blue touchpaper and then retired then possibly, however that certainly isn't the god claimed by Christianity or any other religion to my knowledge. It could just as easily have been the FSM.
Reply:No. When creationists realised that their lie was not going to be bought any more, they invented this mixed theory that claims that both ideas are compatible. They're in a way trying to validate themselves, without discussing evolution. But this new strategy is wrong. Evolution is a fact. Creation is wishful thinking.
Reply:The creation period took 7 days. The bible is clear about specifying that the morning and the evening was the 1st day, et cetera. You are right that we do not know HOW LONG Adam was in the garden and How long her was there with Eve. It could have been millions of years or a week or something. That is why I do not get involved in the age of the earth debates. Science could be right on that one.
Regarding Creation or Evolution, no, they cannot both be right.
Reply:No they cannot. This includes the specious belief that evolution was God's way of getting creation going until it resulted in humankind. We can definitively trace back parts of our development via evolution to an earlier and earlier starting point. At every stage when theists believe that God must have started the whole thing off, there comes a more credible explanation that doesn't require God. There remains no element of the formation of our universe that requires divine intervention. Only evolution is right.
Reply:If you read Genesis it states that God tried several times to create a partner for Adam, but none was good enough so he used Adam's rib and built a woman from him. So who knows how many creatures God created before he was satisfied. Also in the Bible it says that God created the Earth with age, for those of you who believe in carbon dating. Although I think carbon dating leaves room for error considering no one has actually been around long enough to observe the half life of carbon being that it decays over thousands of years. As for the existance of dinosaurs the bible clearly states there were giants in the land. I guess you should draw your own conclusion. As far as evolutionary theory goes explain whales, why haven't they come out of the ocean yet...they've been around for millions of years according to carbon dating. Maybe they're just evolving backwards and used to be elephants.
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