Friday, August 20, 2010

Should we make a "child limit" on how much free services we give to illegals?

I know my parents waited for three years to have me back in 1955 simply because Dad did not have the money to afford to feed three people. (Duh!) My brother had to declare himself homeless and be diagnosed as literally dying with heart disease before he could even get a bottle of asprins from the govt. Yet he paid taxes for decades before his life and health went south. When he needed help his white skin got him turned down at social services. He almost changed his name to an Hispanic one! The illegals come here, have a kid to anchor their stay here and instantly get all this free money and food handed to them. Then they keep on having kids and the dollars we throw at them increases. I know we should not give them anything in the first place, but we do. (Dammit) Wouldn't it be at least prudent to refuse any increases after a second or third child or fourth child?

Should we make a "child limit" on how much free services we give to illegals?
They should receive nothing. Do bank robbers get to keep half the money they steal. The anchor baby law needs to be repealed. That is the lamest reason in the world for citizenships. The fact that we get to foot the bill for injustices like this is just plain wrong. You are so right about him not getting benefits because of the color of his skin. That needs to end. The American public has awakened.
Reply:Awhile back I was hurting from an automobile accident and the ONLY way into a hospital WITHOUT standing behind dozen of illegals was for me to go home lay on the floor and had my wife call an ambulance.Sounds bad but, to wait behind loads of criminals here illegally was the worst part. Report It

Reply:i remember in the 80's in Chicago my sister came home crying saying they didn't want to help her. i think then they helped with 2 or 3 kids. after a certain amount of kids they was not covered. great question. Report It

Reply:The only answer is $0 to illegals.
Reply:NO Government services should be given to illegals, especially non-working illegals.

I agree that as an American it's harder to get Government aid compared to the amount of aid given to illegals.
Reply:No. If you are illegally here, you, your children and the lot of you that is illegally here, should pay for whatever you are trying to get in services here and to be deported quick. Humanity in Europe, Asia, Mexico, etc., is pretty much non-existant when you don't have proper papers. Go to the consulate, let them pick up the tab.

Eventually the Constitution will be interpreted properly, as when you enter this country illegally, your children are not citizens - thank goodness - the time is near.
Reply:No. Give them nothing.
Reply:I wish I had time to explain all the laws my state has.But I'll touch on a couple.1.No illegals are allowed any state benefits along with the ban of federal benefits.Yes they can receive medical care but they must pay as they go or set up some type of payment arrangement if they used an emergency room or for a hospital stay.My hospital hasn't had a problem collecting from them.They have had a problem collecting from citizens insurance carriers tho.2.No illegal can get welfare benefits without 3 pieces of I D stating they are a citizen.So that is impossible to do.All I D is checked with Social Security etc.Name on the card and the person don't match up well bye bye and off to jail you go.

Too many states have too many conflicting laws which make a discussion of this issue almost impossible.I have called people liars because they said something about medical and found out they have a state run medical that illegals can get even tho my state doesn't.We NEED one set of rules for ALL states.
Reply:Part of the problem is that the federal government will not ALLOW hospitals to refuse emergency care to ANYONE.

The government will not reimburse the hospitals for care provided to illegal aliens. The hospital must then raise costs for those who do pay, privately and via insurance.

Face it, an ear infection is not an "emergency". I would be told to go home, see my doctor the next morning. Far too often, people who speak no or broken English, are seen anyway for fear of discrimination suits.

Frequently, addresses for billing purposes are fraudulent. Collection agencies are equally impotent at obtaining the money owed by illegals.

Visit a county health dept in any area with a high influx of illegals. Women with anchor babies. Watch them drive away in a new SUV.

Tell the more.
Reply:What they should do is after immigrants have more than one child is take custody of the child and raise them as soldiers make them serve in the military until the age of 45. Then they can get jobs as Policemen
Reply:Why should our government have to provide ANY services to children of illegals at all? They're not supposed to be here in the first place.
Reply:if the people in Washington were really doing their jobs for "The People" instead of for the "big Money", then the abuse of public resources like you described should never have happened.

So many have complained bitterly on this site and elsewhere about this on-going abuse(which is hurting the citizens heavily) by the blood sucking illegals, I seriously think all of us who are furious about this should start a movement to push for changes in the state and federal laws regarding this matter. THIS KIND OF ABSURDITY SIMPLY "CAN NOT" GO ON ANY LONGER!!!
Reply:I am hard working Mexican/American but I don't think that there should not be welfare for young healty mothers who keep on having children...they should be made to obtain finance oppurtunies... without applying for an aid that is meant for the elderly or if going through hard times like if someone.s working husband left them and they needed the help just until they got on there feet...... a lot of women of all races just ..... use the money for what ever...... crap say they are going to pay rent when all the time they are living with there husband jipping the american iconamey..the more you help the more they want......
Reply:They should get NOTHING....I am an american and so has the rest of my family been americans since the late 1700's and I had a child I raised on my own for 13 years and I got no help from the state or government.

I friggin worked my a$$ off to make ends meet for my child and I. I did what a real responsible parent should do, I worked 2 and 3 jobs at a time to make it and survive!!!


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