Monday, August 23, 2010

This may soubnd naive...but Why are there so many bad people in this world?

Why do humans torture other humans for pleasure? it sickens my heart.

We are a disgusting species. I feel llike crawling out of my skin when I think of how many human souls are being raped, tortured, beaten, brutally murdered, abused, neglected at this very moment that I sit here, i cant even begin to try to imagine how many beautiful people are in senseless agony right this very i sit here at my computer with my cold drink and soundly sleeping family...

so, I want some of the bad people to answer...Why do you do hurt people?

This may soubnd naive...but Why are there so many bad people in this world?
Hey my dear friend, you have a heart of gold. Its sick that we hurt each other. We need to live by the common rule, do onto others as you would want done to you. I think honestly it has to do with an upbringing.

Being positive to your children and feeding them love and giving them morals to stand by helps, also a foundation of religion whatever that may be.
Reply:Who's bad? Who's good? What hurt's? What doesn't? Those things vary fro person to person. This coming from a good person (I hope), people hurt others for a lot of resons. One, they don't know what there doing is hurting someone so they don't stop. Two, they like hurting people. Three, the choose to because they believe it's either them or the other person. You could probably go on and on with the reasons. Just try to do the best you can and no matter what peole are still going to be hurting each other.
Reply:Because there is no good without evil and vice versa. There has to be a balance. In other words....if nothing ever bad happened, the human race would never grow, change and evolve. We would just sit all comfy and keep flipping the chanels. There is no growth without strife. We don't change until something huge forces us to. Usually......something bad. It is necessary.
Reply:Yes most of it happened in war in Iraq and other places.
Reply:Shouldn't this be listed under "Law Enforcement"?
Reply:Because we have original sin

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