With talk of having credit details imprinted in a persons finger, are we nearing the second coming. We are told that at this time men will not be able to trade without the mark of the beast on their skin. Is this linked.
Is the end of the world nigh as predicted by the Bible?
Nigh again? It is nigh nigh every day!
Have a good day.
Reply:Many have believe it to be linked in the last 30 years or so.
Reply:OMG you are soooo smart!!!
I TOTALLY agree!!!
All those times in history it was predicted was soo wrong!!!
But YOU have it all figured out!!!
Your my new spiritual leader!!!
Reply:I believe we have neared the second coming. The church tells about that when the end comes near, people will have to plant chips into their skin in order to buy or sell anything, and everyone has to have the symbol '666', and I have seen this on the news and other occasions where it actually happens. So I do believe we are nearing the second coming. Therefor live ur lives as pure as u could, we will never know when we will meet our end, seeing as accidents are becoming more and more often nowadays. I could die right now if a robber decided to come in and rob me of my laptop or something, I could also die if a bolt of lightning strikes and splits my house in two, burning the things inside. Overall, there are about a million ways how I or you could die right now, so be warned
It does not look like any time soon. It is always predicted and fails to come. Jesus said even he while on earth did not know the time but only the father in heaven knows.
Anyway if you have a head on collision, a heart attack, get mugged to death today or tomorrow it is the end of the world for you anyway. Why worry?
Reply:You are correct, things are leading there. Cash will be "obsolete" to the fascists that want one-world government, and they'll require by "law" that everyone get the mark, but taking the mark will lead to eternall hell.
Reply:The End of the World has been predicted and repredicted for a few thousand years now. Strange, we seem to keep passing each "End".
Reply:It's a misinterpretation... Yes, a big change, but it is a transition from one age to another. The world is not coming to an end.
"This age and the age to come"... you will notice that both "ages" are the same word, so they are both references to a period of time.
This mix up comes up when a western mind tries to interpret an eastern expression. It's just a mixup.
Reply:Nigh is a relative term. The end of the world is probably about five billion years away. If that is nigh to you then the answer to your question is yes.
Reply:If they thought it was nigh 2000 years ago, and it wasn't, it aint today either.
Reply:If you believe it every time some religious nut tells you that the end of the world is nigh (as keeps happening) and each time it turns out not to happen - how gullible are you?
Reply:I have no doubt that we are living in the last days of this current era of humankind. However, I believed that the credit details/fingerprint thing was not actually imprinting something on your finger but using your fingerprint for I.D which will be linked to credit facilties. The technology will be similar to that used for iris identification. I find it very hard to believe that in the current political climate anyone could get away with tattoing or imprinting someone without their consent. It would be an infringement on their civil liberties. On the other hand such a move would make it very difficult to obtain credit or buy goods without a mark. There will be a lot of hungry Christians if this is the case.
Reply:Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour. People trying to set dates for His return have caused discredit to prophecy. And has brought disillusionment and confusion.
Reply:It is (in my humble opinion) a forerunner of what the Mark will be like. But never fear! For if you're Raptured out of here, you won't have to face the prospect of taking the mark, for that will be applied to unbelievers left behind after the Rapture who are fooled/forced into taking it by the Antichrist all in the name of "convenience". But people fail to realize in that day, that when you take that Mark, you're selling out TOTALLY to Satan in economic and SPIRITUAL matters, for this Mark will connect you to the universal "faith" in the Antichrist's system of religio-economic control. thereby forever separating you from God.
Reply:Global warming is one factor. Even if you are not a believer, you must believe that there is much sorrow comming.
Reply:It's closer than it's ever been.
Reply:No one knows when the end of the world will come...but there are signs...are you ready for it?
Reply:Please tell me you are having a laugh.
Reply:the end of the world as we see it now but not the destruction of the world itself. Christ is to rule here for a thousand years after his coming.
Reply:If memory serves, "duck surprise" is "duck without anything else". I'm sure you were looking for a more informative answer but there isn't one.
Reply:The mark of the beast is on the forehead, which represents a persons thinking ability. Yes this is very much linked, commerce has become the new religion everyone wants to make money and at any cost. Think about it.
Reply:Load of old rubbish, pal. The end of the world has always been "nigh" and will always be "nigh" for as long as there'll weirdos on this planet.
Last time "nigh" came was the end of the last millennium and here we are waiting for the next nutter to give us the next "nigh".
Nigh what do you think of that?
Reply:when you get to the end of the world say hello to captain jack sparrow
Reply:Didn't I just play that hoaks hahaha come on I can't even spell it its so silly! I pray we have peace eternal and defeat this outcome.. If I was a person that was in high position and loved Allah SWT I would say oh Allah what is the plan, and I thinik you know from all I ever read in my life I think he will say, well its to be with me of course.... is it all really that difficult or too easy?
Khair InshAllah
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