Saturday, July 24, 2010

Does Anyone have A video of Dean Winchester From Supernatural Saying....?

I dont remeber the name of it (shame on me) but its the second epsiode with the shapeshifter. Were Dean and sam go in the bank, and the guy thats showing them around says "okie dokie then". And when he leaves Deans all "I like him, he says okie dokie".

I cant seem to find that anywhere. And if you dont have a video of it, can you atleast give me the name of the episode. I think its ither called "skin" or "seeing dubbel" but im not sure.

Okie, thankz.

Does Anyone have A video of Dean Winchester From Supernatural Saying....?
yeah the name of the episode is Nightshifter. I'm sure you'd be able to find a clip of that on youtube somewhere...I know I've seen one on there before. anyway, good luck with finding the video.
Reply:I believe the episode was Night Shifter. (Skin was the one from the first season.) Unfortunately, I don't have a clip of it. Sorry. (I liked that part too- and I love Dean!)

Matured Avocado tree problem .. drops fruits after it is about 1 in long & 0.5in width.?

We have two matured Avocado trees in my backyard - One is giving full size Avocados. No issues with it.

The second one has this problem, I am not sure whether it is kind of verity of avocado or some problem with the tree. The fruit gets about 1in long %26amp; half inch thick %26amp; gets dropped, the skin is still green. It is not directly eatable at that time. This tree gives more avocados (at lest 3-4in hundreds..) where as the other tree only gets about 70-100

Any any one guess what is happening here ?

Matured Avocado tree problem .. drops fruits after it is about 1 in long %26amp; 0.5in width.?
You may need to prune the tree and fertilize it well in the spring.

How do the leaves and bark look? Do they look healthy?

"Avocados in the Home Garden

California avocado trees are one of the most popular tropical fruit trees used in landscaping in zones 9, 10 and 11. They like soil ph of 6 to 6.5. It is a shallow rooted tree that needs good aeration and does best when mulched with coarse material such as redwood bark or other woody mulch about 2" in diameter. Use about 1/3 cubic yard per tree, but keep it about 6 to 8 inches away from the trunk. Plant in a non-lawn area with full sun, protected from wind and frost. The ideal time to plant is March through June. During summer there is risk of sun damage since young trees can't take up water very well.

The hole should be as deep as the root ball and just a bit wider. Gently place the root ball in the hole taking care not to disturb the delicate root system. If the ball is root-bound, carefully loosen up the soil around the edge and clip away any roots that are going in circles. Back fill the hole with soil. Do not use gravel or potting mix.

The major nutrients needed by avocado trees are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (NPK) in a 7-4-2 fertilizer and Zinc. Feed young trees 1/3 to 1/2 pound of actual nitrogen per tree per year, spread out over several applications if you like.

When watering, it is best to soak the soil well, then allow it to dry out somewhat before watering again. At planting, the tree can hold about 2 gallons of water. Depending on the weather, your tree may need a gallon of water a day along the coast. Typically, trees need to be watered two to three times a week. A mature tree will take about 20 gallons of water a day.

This information was provided by Dr. Mary Lu Arpaia, Extension Subtropical Horticulturist, Kearney Agriculture Center, Parlier, CA. and Dr. Ben Faber, Farm Advisor, Soils and Water, Avocados and Subtropicals, Ventura County, CA. For more information about avocado horticulture, visit"


Ear Piercings??

I want to get my ears pierced for the second whole from the first..

than I'd like to get my helix pierced. I'm a little nervous about the helix though because it's cartilidge being pierced.. I heard it takes longer to heal.. but does it hurt a lot more since the skin's so thin there??

Is it easy to get done?

are there any complications to worry about ?

Are there any really cute earrings to go in the helix piercing??



Ear Piercings??
Yes the cartilage piercing hurts a lot worse than a regular one. It didn't really hurt when i got it done but after was the part that really hurt. It was extremely sore for several weeks and I couldn't lay on that side of my head when I slept. No complications or anything other than the pain. I have had mine now for 5 years and it has never bothered me since. Half the time I forget it's there. I just have a hoops in mine or some people use a small bar. Either is cute. Good luck!
Reply:make sure you do not go to a place that will pierce it with a gun. You will need to go to a place that pierces with needles. It will heal much cleaner that way. when you pierce cartilage with a gun, you are more likely to form a cyst around the earring. I have mine pierced, and have for about 2 years now but as i recall, it didn't hurt any more than any of my other earrings

Three questions on Saddam's hanging. Was it botched, one of his doubles?, What about MSS?

1. The photo of his corpse showed blood around his neck. This suggests they may have botched the execution by setting to rope length too long, so causing the skin to tear as well as the next to break.

2. When he was president of Iraq, Saddam had around 100 "doubles". How do we know that it was the real Saddam who was killed, and not one of his doubles?

3. Has anyone heard from the Iraqi information minister, Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf - the one who came out with those outrageous statements during the second gulf war such as "My feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all" (talking about the Americans).

Three questions on Saddam's hanging. Was it botched, one of his doubles?, What about MSS?
I wasn't there so cannot say for sure,but i have 25 years experience has a crime scene investigator,the red which you see around the neck is nothing more than friction burn,there is no blood,you should deduce this conclusion without any experience in any crime field,by noting that he has a white shirt on and the top botton fastened.which brings it close to the neck,No blood present on shirt,also the angle in which the head is situated suggests a broken neck,no doubt there will be people saying he is not dead etc as time goes on,
Reply:hard to say.

100 doubles long gone or dead.

mss gone like a coward
Reply:He is dead thank god The proof DNA
Reply:yup i have a doubt about tht too...

ppl..anything can happen..we dont knoe..coz this is a political stuff. if they wanna $h!t us they can do it anytime...

remember the 9/11 tragedy??
Reply:Considering the import of this execution, I am amazed at how poor the images where. I am not looking for gore, etc, but surely the lack of clarity is playing right into the hands of the conspiracy theorists?
Reply:1. If there WAS blood around his neck, the execution is still not botched. Hanging is designed to kill, and it did so. Hanging is not designed to be the ultimate pain-free death.

2. Saddam's doubles scattered to the wind with the U.S. invasion. Most have dissappeared and the rest shaved off their mustaches and thanked Allah that that game was over! Besides, THIS defiant Saddam has been in U.S. Custody and on-trial for months and is clearly the real deal.

3. MSS remains at-large or mysteriously dead.
Reply:you are 100 % right......about number 2 and 3....

they might just want us to think he i sdead, to show themselves as democratic and justice ppl...

and about MMS, yeah god knows what happened to him....i hope he didnt die coz he really was funny with all his statement and was the njumber one celebrity at the
Reply:there is a possibility that one of his " double`s" was on the end of the rope he could of been switched at any time , the officials only witnessed the execution they where not in the holding cell with him 24/7 and we have to ask the question what did happen to all his double`s ? it was a well known fact that he had many of them and it was hard for people who really knew him ( including his son`s before they died ) to distinguish if it was the real Saddam or not , so what are the chances of officials recognising him at the execution ? there is many question`s without answer`s so i think that yes there is a slight possibility that it was not him on the end of the rope !

Finding Happiness?

I have a few buisnesses that I have just started up.


A pool and dart supply company. It has done really well in the past but, local compation is starting to affect profit of the buisness.


Is a quixtar buisness that I spent a little time in, but I dont see anything for it.


Is a handman buisness in town that gets some buisness but nor enouf.

I am a veteran of the armed service and I am now having issues with being out in the sunlight do to some weird skin deal.

I currently find myself playing pool tounaments and I also find myself at the poker table to make ends meet.

Does life get better as we get older or is just an endless cycle?

Finding Happiness?
You are looking for happiness in material things whereas the happiness is in within yourself and it comes when you are spiritual and you remember GOD everyday and help others in whatever way you can and do not harm any one intentionally.

A pool and dart business or handman business and playing pool tournaments is good thing but you must involve in it 100% irrespective of whatever result is there alongwith you remember GOD everyday.

Talking about then is great company with its turnover of usd 1.3 billion in USA and its parent company has turnover of usd 2.3 billion in CHINA and it also has great business in rest 98 countries with global turnover of usd 7.29 billion.

About 80% TOYOTA cars sells through in JAPAN.

About 2 million co brands sells through your

BPCL [govt subsidiary] petro card, ICICI credit cards and SBI [GOVT BANK] credit cards, life insurance of M/s Max New York life, Lious Philips shirts, Jams sells through in INDIA.

according to your this is no 1 MLM in world with following rating

Whether you do any of above things or not it hardly matters but whatever you do then you do it with focus on it irrespective initial failures in it alongwith spiritual inclination towards GOD to have inner HAPPINES.

Choice is yours as its your life.
Reply:Take it from someone with a lot of life's experiences it is an endless cycle.
Reply:My life has been changed greatly threw our savior Jesus Christ. With him I have been able to over come so much. Try praying. Take care good buddy. Love Trish
Reply:It will get better but I think you need to find a more stable job than poker and pool. Looks like you don't want to work for anybody but rather be self-employed. Since you are a handyman you could try advertising yourself for some inside jobs - ex. Plumbing, furniture reupolstery, installing floors. Since these jobs are also a lot of labour I think you could charge quite a bit. If you do well, word of mouth spreads real quick.
Reply:running one business if tough let alone three...and it can be VERY costly the first couple of years. we started two businesses in two years and have just started to see a profit after three years of hard work and getting along with no frills. yes, the end result will be so worth it. we answer to no one and we make our own hours...and our own mistakes. in answer to your question, as with everything you get out of it what you are willing to sacrifice and put into it.
Reply:I feel for you.

When I get frustrated with live in general, I write up my feelings.

I never share them with people. But for you I will share them, to let you know that all of us are struggling, you are not alone.


I seek my power from with in me.

I grab the power of positive.

I can heal myself, I'm not weak, but on the road to recovery.

I armor my self from negative in any form, and convert it into,

"I will"

"I can"

"I am Starting"

I will treat people how I want to be treated.

I can make a difference.

I'm not starting tomorrow but today.

I want to be a better person, and have a better life.

I deserve it, because I am me.

I'm unique in my own way, I care , and I'm passionate.

There is no materialistic item that make me feel rich, only my friendships do.

Taking little steps and completing little goals is how I keep moving forward.

I will find the key, to the door to new opportunities.

I'm starting changing my life, because I deserve to find happiness. I'm no longer waiting for happiness to find me.

I hope this helps.

Don't give up.

There are people that need you!
Reply:Life can get better for you right now. You don't need to wait until your businesses take off or some other event occurs to better your life. If you are waiting for something to happen, you could be waiting a long time. I think you may find this recording useful. It's from Devlyn Steele and it's a discussion on "Happiness - Live It Now".
Reply:It gets a lot better if we let it.

True Happiness happens whenever we are not judging anything.

Any time that you are not judging you are happy.

The moment that you start judging, you find something to be unhappy about.

It really is that simple.

Love and blessings Don

Need advice on getting started with strength training?

I am just starting back with exercising and strength training. I had GBS back in 06 and since then I have lost a total of 155 lbs. i don't have allot of extra skin that usually comes with losing a massive amount of weight but I do need to tone up now and gain strength. I don't have allot of upper body strength and i could use more in my lower body. it has been a year since I have exercised or lifted weights, how can I transition back into it without over doing it. this is my second day back to curves for women and I can already tell that I am working muscles that I haven't in a while. is it good to drink protein drinks before and after my workouts? should I workout every day but alternate fat burning exercise with strength training? what weight is safe to start out with? is the yoga ball (or balance ball) the best to use for abdominal exercise? I have the firm exercise dvd as well as yoga for weight loss and burn and firm pilates. I don't want to get bulky. please help

Need advice on getting started with strength training?
Congratulations, it sounds like you are doing great. Here goes a link about strength training. It has a search box and I find it very useful when I have a question.

paper bush

Foundation help!!!?

I have simi fair skin, and every time I get a foundation, no matter what brand, the lightest makes me look too washed out, and the second lightest gives me the dreaded make-up line and kinda makes me look orangeish! Any recomendations??

Foundation help!!!?
when you go to the store use their testers and the best way to find out what your foundation color is to apply the tester on your lower jawline and another one right above it. Why your jawline is because you want the color closest to your neckline so you don't look like you're too washed out or orange. If oranegish, to dark so try another color below it. If washed out, too light so try another color above it. Keep trying until the color covers up and closest to your neck color.
Reply:I'm in the same boat -- I'm between the two lightest shades that I've ever seen offered. I finally got a good match with Mabelline pure makeup.

Or, try just using a cover stick if needed for blemishes and then a loose powder over all. Loose powders tend to blend best without needing to match.

Then again, you may think you need full foundation but have such beautiful skin that you can get away without! Get your friends' opinions.
Reply:I would mix some together!! I sometimes have the same problem. When you use the testers in the shop, try blending them together %26amp; see if that helps.
Reply:makeup stands in the mall will find your color and put it on you to see if it works before you buy so you don't have to worry if it'll be the right color. if that doesn't work use a bronzer powder to add color
Reply:I used to have this problem all the time. I was always between shades. To fix this problem, mix the two foundation shades together, and that should be perfect for your skin tone. don't forget to change your foundation in the summer if you tan!
Reply:Yes I have the same problem, I have 2 foundations and put the lighter on my face, then the 2nd lightest in certain areas like t-zone, chin forehead and nose so not to look washed out. And then always use blush or you will look like a ghost!
Reply:Mary Kay...they have nice shades...not orange at all.
Reply:The best thing you can do is go to a department store, Sephora, Ulta, wherever you want your makeup from and ask someone there to help you find your shade in any brand foundation. They will also help you learn how to put it on properly.
Reply:try the maybeline one its 50% water so the color matches a little better. get the one closest to your skin color and then you can either use a bronzer or just get a foundation brush and blend the make up line all the way till it dissapeares

I want to treat my acne scars.?

im currently on isotretinoin.this is my second month.i have several acne scars on my face,the ones which are slightly pigmented and tend to coalesce with the neighbouring scars.they're especially around my jaw line and they're very disfiguiring.what can i use to make them go away?i want to try vit E essence but my doctor told me to only used water based moisturizer if i find my skin dry.there's no way i can find a water based vit E essence,please help!

I want to treat my acne scars.?
those brown pigmentations or red spots will disappear with time. if not you can try using hydroquinone. but it is very drying and causes skin cancer as well. pitted scars will require dermabrasion and laser treatments. this have to be done after you have completed your isotretinoin treatment.
Reply:only plastic surgery will fix the scars if they're that bad...your dermatologist should have told you that...
Reply:yeah vit E is lipid soluble so youll never find a water based one for sure. i use salycilic acid in an acne gel. it really helps to fade the scaring. youll notice it in about 2 weeks that they are lighter.
Reply:I use Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Acne Mark Fading Peel! It works WONDERS! You can even leave it on your acne marks overnight. After about a week I started to see results. Go here to buy it or check it out.
Reply:if u want to good acne more information about
Reply:Acne and pimples is one of the most distressing and depressing problems faced mostly by youngsters. Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples.There are more such remedies at
Reply:raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

to open the pores and loosen dirt and grease from your face turn off the heat from a pan of distilled water, add 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar to a quart of the hot water. drape a towel over the pan and your head to steam clean your pores. take a cotton ball, dip in vinegar and pat over skin to remove loosened dirt. repeat 2 more times. then spray or dab on

chilled vinegar and equal part of distilled water to close your pores and tone your skin. do twice weekly, also can use the chilled vinegar water as a toner 2 times daily.

it is amazing ....

i also drink the vinegar, 1-2 tablespoons in water with honey in the morning..and i use the vinegar water as a toner 2 times daily..

raw unpasturized apple cider vinegar..

the following 2 testimonials can be seen at

Angelina O, has found that applying ACV topically to her face several times a day (4 or more times) has cured her of a "very bad complexion". She reports that she applies it straight and that while it burns her skin a bit, it still works like a miracle!

Cheryl writes, "My daughter developed a case of moderate acne, and after trying a number of different things for over a year which helped very little or not at all, she started drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day and applying it topically once at night. She has been acne free for two months. It took about three weeks to clear up."

to drink, add to water and honey, or to apple juice.

you can get the vinegar at the health food store, or in some super markets.
Reply:use zenmed scar treatment kit, it works pretty good.

Is there a medical cause for having low amniotic fluid besides breaking your water or being over due?

I have had 2 over due babies and 3 babies total ( the first was not over due). The first overdue baby was a week late and I was induced because I had low amniotic fluid. The second baby born overdue was born 4 days before his due date, measured very small throughout my pregnancy, and was born with no water - his skin peeling at delivery. Is there a condition that causes this to occur? Or was my ultrasound and midwife off on my due date? I am concerned because I am pregnant now and do not want to experieince the same thing with this baby, I think my due date is wrong again. ( I'm having a boy and my first son was overdue and weighed 6lbs full term- so I think my boys are smaller than my girls)

Is there a medical cause for having low amniotic fluid besides breaking your water or being over due?
I had the same problem in the sixth month of my second pregnancy, I was not building proper amniotic fluid, my OB had me on a tight string, bed rest, drinking more water a day then should be legally allowed, and in every other day for an ultra sound to measure my amniotic fluid. He said that this could cause sever problems for my baby and if need be they would take her at six months, because she would have a better chance at survival then staying in such low fluid. If your amniotic fluid is low and your midwife is doing nothing if I were you I would seriously seek another opinion. This is not safe for you or baby!
Reply:For a true, proper, accurate, and correct diagnosis, please ask your question to a doctor.
Reply:My low amniotic fluid with my 3rd pregnancy (the first two were fine) was attributed to my blood pressure and the need to medicate me to keep it controlled...

However there were questions about my due date also.

I'd make sure to mention (and mention, and mention) this to your midwife and make sure that they follow it CLOSELY! We delivered my son early by c-section after following with montly ultrasounds and watching the fluid drop.

Best of luck to you!!
Reply:Since your children didn't have any reported problems with the kidneys, I wonder if you just had regular leaks? To strengthen the amniotic sac, vitamin C taken in larger amounts can make the amniotic sac very tough. Kids are often born 'in the caul', the sac still unbroken. Talk to your doc before taking it, of course, to make recommendations about how much supplemental vit. C to take as I've only heard of megadoses working (2000-3000 mg).
Reply:hey thanks for answering my question. im not here to answer your question and sorry abt that but on your profile you have it to where nobody can IM or send you a email. i just wanted to laet you know that my email is and the same for my IM if you wanna chat at all thats cool once again thanks!!!

What do you do about a reoccuring buttocks rash?

Ok, For about a 6 months I've had a reoccuring buttocks rash. Recently, this is the second time I've seen it appear. I notice when I'm rushing taking a shower or bath in the morning, the crease of my buttocks remain moist throughout the day. The rash looks like a raised red area, no blisters, but can become itchy. When it heals, the rash leaves a dark mark behind. It doesn't appear often, but I may need to see a doctor to be sure. My last pap @ my gyne was in Feb and I was cleaner than the board of health. It last about a week when I treat it with a itchy skin cream. Could this be herpes or does my boyfriend have jock itich that's probably been untreated?

What do you do about a reoccuring buttocks rash?
It very well could be a yeast or fungus infection. The best way to prevent this is to keep the area clean and dry. MAKE sure you dry the area completely every time you bathe. And then powder it.

You also need to see your doctor while it is in it's itchy phaze so that he can see it at it's worst, and give you a cream to use.

Did you know that guys cure athlete's foot (which is just the foot version of jock itch) by URINATING on their feet. It is supposed to be one of the quickest cures out there.
Reply:I would say nothing like herpes. You should dry thoroughly and completely and always put on clean underwear and use a clean towel everyday. I was a swimmer at one time in school and never dried off completely. Blow dry your buttocks. I'm completely serious. Who will know?
Reply:maybe folliculitis . . . .
Reply:Try desitin creamy, yes I know its baby rash ointment but I had the same problem mine went away and hasn't been back since if it doesn't go away then you should probably see or call a doctor.
Reply:You should see your doctor for a proper diagnosis. In the meantime, make sure that you are bathing with a clean washcloth. If you don't use a washcloth, you should, and change it with every shower/bath, they slough off the dead skin cells that can entrap small hairs that may become ingrown. Wash the washcloth in hot water with your towels. If you use a loofah sponge, throw it away. They hold bacteria which can breed even more. Loofah sponges are fine if you wash them out every time in very hot water, otherwise, they breed bacteria like crazy. Consider using an antibacterial soap until you have a dermatological diagnosis. Tell your boyfriend to do the same. Make sure you tell your boyfriend that he should use a clean washcloth every time he bathes.

Make sure that you are completely dry before putting any clothes on...bacteria and virus breed in moist conditions. Use a hair dryer to completely dry "those" areas, best yet, just stay naked until you are completely dry, the longer, the better. Bacteria and virus do not live well in dry conditions. Sleeping naked may also has a lot to do with moisture. Change your sheets every few days, if possible. Take care, be well.

p.s. If you wear panties that are not 100% cotton, go buy some and wash them before you wear them. Synthetic underwear also traps moisture, save the pretty ones until your rash has dissipated. It's all about staying dry.
Reply:It's sound similar to a yeast infection, just like babies can get if they are allowed to sit in wet diapers too long. The skin gets red and itchy. You could try OTC yeast medications, it usually takes a few days to get better.

With babies that have it real bad we tell the mom to let the butt airdry for a while.

And yes if he has jock itch, it can spread - that is fungal (very similar to the yeasty stuff). You could try jock itch treatment and see if that helps. Cotton panties - no nylon, I'd probably stay away from thongs too as it might irriate it.
Reply:Can it be inverse psoriasis? You may need to see a dermatologist to know for sure. An allergy patch may also be done to R/O any allergies. And go from there.


Who takes Angelina Jolie's sexiest body?

1. Scarlett's sexy curves prove popular with Glamour readers. And when she looks this good, who can blame them?

2. Gorgeous Jessica Alba is happy to have the second sexiest body in the world.

3. Supermodel Gisele Bundchen came in at number three, one of only two models in the top 20 as voters seem to prefer regular women's bodies.

4. Jennifer Aniston squeezes her curves into this skin-tight frock and into Glamour's top five.

5. Only Angelina Jolie can make getting out of a car look this sexy.

6. Actress Mischa Barton proves you don't need a golden tan to look sexy.

7. Rachel Bilson, Mischa's castmate in The OC, has perfected the girl next door look.

8. The word 'bootylicious' could never describe anyone as aptly as it does Beyonce.

9. Jennifer Lopez hasn't just got an amazingly sexy body, she's also the owner of a very sultry stare.

10. Rounding out the top 10 in Glamour's sexy poll is our very own Kelly Brook, who always makes the most of her luscious curves

Who takes Angelina Jolie's sexiest body?
You forgot Lindsey Lohan.
Reply:bRAD PITT!!
Reply:It must have taken a long time to type that out.
Reply:too much to read
Reply:all of the above???? they are all smoken!!
Reply:is there a question in there somewhere?
Reply:Rosie O'Donnell does.

I just know it.
Reply:Hum all that
Reply:i dont know what you are talking about , but my son thought angelina jolie was beautiful

How do I save my tattoo?

I got my second tattoo a little over a week ago, this one is much, much simpler then my first one and is on my left ankle/ top of my foot. At first, it was looking perfect and healing beautifully with only small parts of it raised and scabbing but now the whole tattoo has scabbed over and is flaking off leaving behind the faded image of my tattoo. I'm not really sure what to do to save as much of it as I can, I will definitily need touch-ups. I followed the aftercare exactly as my artist told me, first wash with anti-bacterial soap then a thin layer of 'Tattoo Goo' a few times a day. I'm not exactly sure what caused this but I'm thinking it's a combination of the placement and the weather, it's on the top of my foot and it's winter which causes dry skin and I've been having to shove my poor tattooed foot in boots everyday. I am now back at school in Vermont and I got the tattoo in New York so I can't go and pay a visit to my artist but if I need to, I can find a respectable shop here.

How do I save my tattoo?
what caused it is you putting junk on it. tattoo goo is vaseline. it basically pulls moisture away from your skin, and ink would come under moisture when its in your open and healing tattoo. The same happens with neosporin,bacitracin etc etc or any other petroleum based substance. Leave it alone and if you have to put anything on it make sure its either a little light cocoa butter lotion or simply leave it alone and do NOTHING to it. throw the tattoo goo away. Also ignore anyone who says put A%26amp;D on it. That contains a Zinc Oxide that will oxidize your tattoo colours and make them fade before theyve evebn had a chance to look bright and fresh. Simple cocoa butter maybe twice a day is all you need.
Reply:That is normal, give it about 2 weeks to heal before you jump to conclusions.
Reply:Some artists will not tattoo on the feet because the skin on those areas is constantly rubbing on something, be it socks or shoes. Plus, the skin on your feet is very thin. A touch-up might help, but you could end up with the same problem.
Reply:.Use lukewarm water and antibacterial soap to gently wash away any ointment and to completely clean the area. Do not use a washcloth or anything abrasive. Your hand is your best tool in this case. Then pat (do not rub) the area firmly with a CLEAN towel or paper towel to get it completely dry. Follow with a very light application of ointment. Bacitracin would be the first choice in ointments, but if you don't have any, A%26amp;D vitamin enriched ointment (medical grade - not the kind used for diaper rash) is also acceptable. **Do not use Neosporin. This is a wonderful product for cuts and scrapes, but not for tattoos. Some can have an allergic reaction to the Neosporin, which causes little red bumps. When the bumps go away, so does the ink, and you end up with a polka-dotted tattoo.** Continue this procedure at least twice a day for two or three days. After that, continue to keep it clean, but you can use lotion when needed instead of ointment, to keep the skin soft.

Scabbing and Peeling After a few days, you will notice some peeling and possibly a little scabbing. Excessive scabbing indicates a poorly-done tattoo, but a little is sometimes normal and no need to panic. You will also start to itch, just like a sunburn when it begins to heal. The advice here is, don't pick, and don't scratch! If the skin itches, slap it. If it is peeling, put lotion on it. And if it is scabbing, just leave it alone. Your tattoo is almost healed, and now is not the time to ruin it!
Reply:you answered your own question.put vaseline on it for a couple days see what it does...
Reply:I was going to say, for my 35th birthday, I treated myself to my first tattoo on my ankle (so it was in socks and boots as it was mid-winter). I was told by the staff at Yankee Tattoo (Burlington) to use cocoa butter and it came out perfectly.
Reply:Learn from it and don't get any more tattoos...

Have you heard that Obama and Nixon have some very eerie similiarities?

Nixon and Obama both went to Brown College.

Nixon and Obama both flunked out of law school the first time they tried. Both of them were then supported by their wifes the second time they went through.

Nixon and Obama were born exactly thirty six years apart.

Obama actually met Richard Nixon in 1987. Obama was ten years old at the time. Nixon took a liking to Obama and is supposed to have given him some sort of arcane book.

Obama's former top aide has the last name of Johnson. Nixon's vice president also had the last name of Johnson.

Nixon's middle name is Milhous. Obama's middle name Vilhous.

Obama attended the funeral of Nixon. Afterwards he was wisked away in a private meeting with Nixon's family and former cabinet members. There they gave Obama a silver necklace and burned into his skin the letters "RCS". There is speculation that they stand for Raven's Claw Society.

Have you heard that Obama and Nixon have some very eerie similiarities?
Most of your statements are false, but I will give you a true fact which is really scary, but do not tell anyone because it is a very closely guarded secret:

Are you sitting down? If not please do so...

Barack Obama and Dick Cheney are distant cousins!!!!!

What could be scarier than that?

Does this mean that Barack Obama is really a war monger like Dick Cheney?

Does this mean that Barack Obama is really a right wing extremist like Dick Cheney?

There is no end to the horrors that one can think up for someone who is a distant cousin of Dick Cheney.
Reply:And they're both human beings. What a small world.
Reply:Obama's middle name is not Vilhous.

Just don't worry about his middle name, that seems to put the cons in like some sort of paleolithic frenzy or something.
Reply:Archie Bunker lives again.

You are a Dingbat!
Reply:I am speechless and amazed...but surprised that you missed the important fact mentioned by Lamplighter (EDIT which has apparently been deleted??).

But what is the connection between Brown and Hogwarts, is there a Ravenclaw connection at Brown?
Reply:Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein, which is really true, and he went to Columbia University for his undergraduate degree and Harvard Law School for his graduate degree, not Brown. Obama was born born August 4, 1961 and Nixon was born on January 9, 1913, which is a hell of a lot more than exactly 36 years apart. Obama may have met nixon, but that is about the only true statement you listed.
Reply:As it turns out you're absolutely wrong on almost all counts. His middle name isn't Vilhous, no letter were 'burned into his skin', they DON'T have the same birthday so they WEREN'T born exactly thirty six years apart, Obama DIDN'T flunk out of law school, he DIDN'T go to Brown, and there is no Ravens Claw Society. So what's left? Not much. Nice try though. How's that medication working out for you?
Reply:Oh my word, two guys who made it into the relatively rariefied field of top presidental candidates have lots of stuff in common.

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. I think we have a regular conspiracy goin' on, Myrtle!
Reply:There are several untruths in your little story here.
Reply:So you're saying that because Obama has a love for Nixon he's like him? Whoa, then I do have a future cause I love Angelina Jolie.
Reply:You have read too many books like the DaVinci Code! I'll grant you the mundane similarities, but when it comes to secret societies and arcane books, I'm outa here.

Nixon, as much as I hated him at the time (And I still have an unused bumper sticker that says, "Lick Dick in '72.") has become one of my favorite Republican presidents. Can you imagine any of the current bunch coming up with the foodstamp program. Nixon was a liberal! A potty-mouth, mind you, but in the end, he can be viewed as a good president.
Reply:“Nixon and Obama were born exactly thirty six years apart.”

Fact: They were born 48 yrs 7 mos apart.

“Obama actually met Richard Nixon in 1987. Obama was ten years old at the time.”

Fact: Obama was born in 1961. He could not have been 10 in 1987.

“Nixon's middle name is Milhous. Obama's middle name Vilhous.”

Fact: Obamas middle name is Hussein.

I didn't check the rest of your "facts" but I do not believe I have to.

It’s called getting your facts straight.

So a man and his dog are hunting in the jungle...?

A man and his dog are hunting in the jungles of the Amazon. Somehow, the dog gets separated from his master, and is soon quite lost. He wanders around aimlessly, until out of the corner of his eye, he spots a vicious looking jaguar sneaking up on him. Thinking quickly, the dog spots a pile of bones on the ground nearby, and starts chomping on them. "Mmmmmm," he says to himself. "Nothing hits the spot better than a Jaguar for breakfast." The jaguar freezes, shocked at this sight, and slinks away. A monkey happened to observe the whole thing from atop a tree, and hoping to get in the jaguar's good graces, chases him down. "Mr. Jaguar," he says. "The dog has fooled you! He wasn't really eating a jaguar, he was only trying to save his skin!" The jaguar smiles. "Thank you, my friend. Hop on my back and we'll go make short work of him." Soon, they find the dog again, but he spots them a second time. Again thinking quickly, he says "Now where is that monkey, he was supposed to

So a man and his dog are hunting in the jungle...?
Heh, very good joke!

It made my day, ;D


***star *** for ya!!

loved it
Reply:That is cute....
Reply:lmfao!! pmsl!!

lov it!

keep it up!

Reply:bring me back another jaguar for lunch. and then i will go find my master (yeh, what became of the hunter. this is confusing.)

okay you have a good joke for your act. you get the gold star. and me? nothing. so i am sad again. ha! on me.
Reply:haha i gonna star it
Reply:that is very funny love it
Reply:i just died a a bad way
Reply:Good ONE!!!

i love those clever kind!
Reply:lol love it...

a smart dog!!

ill give you a star for this

Reply:lol nice.
Reply:ha! very clever!!
Reply:lol i can see why dogs man's best friend


Who is the King of Hearts? (see details, this is a weird one)?

I've had this phrase, the "King of Hearts" stuck under my skin for the past week now...twice in the past three days I've randomly encountered it. First time it was the literal *playing card* left face-up on the sidewalk in my neighborhood, second time it was the front-page title of a magazine article with the magazine being in the lobby area of my apartment building. I dunno, maybe I am overthinking this, but...

It just seems odd is all that I would encounter this one, and encounter it now, the week *of* my 40th birthday (turned 40 this past Monday, didn't really get to celebrate, was rather broke and alone).

But yeah, I am not saying there is a right answer, a good one or a bad one, only that there is a mystery and I am baffled by its sheer randomness.

Clue Please? And I am asking for a clue not a personal attack, ok? I know I've been a ranty bastid lately...that isn't the issue, sorry. :) If you seek to rant at me, keep it in email please...

Who is the King of Hearts? (see details, this is a weird one)?
Happy Birthday! A day late and a dollar short.

I know Roy Orbison has an album of the "King of Hearts", it could be a sign to hear the song. But, it could also mean that the King of Hearts is your lucky card. Or, it could mean that you are the King of someone's heart. Or your heart could be the King of Hearts waiting for a personal attack to happen. Or maybe you are the King of Hearts who is reading into this too much.

Just taking wild guesses, take your pick of any, free of charge.
Reply:Thanks! Just remember when your friends have their birthday, act like they did when it was yours. I hope you had a great birthday without your friends treating you badly. Report It

Reply:......... Report It

Reply:I only know that Cardiopulmonary gets copies of King of Hearts reports.
Reply:Isnt the Kind of Hearts the "suicide king" ya know, the king on the playing card that holds the sword going through his head? Or is it the king of diamonds....i know its a red king, so go check.
Reply:Coincidence. You are thinking too hard on this one my friend.
Reply:King of Hearts? I think that the playing card was modeled after King Charlemagne of France...dunno what that has to do with anything you've seen, however... sorry...

PS: I thought the Suicide King was King David, the King of Spades..? If I am not mistaken..
Reply:Don't know! But I know who the 'Queen of Hearts" was!

Is it okay for a man to cleanse, tone and moisturise?

I just finished a second degree and I'm tired of being a dingy student. So I was thinking about trying to make my skin nicer, but I wonder, do women think it's okay for a man to do all of that toning and stuff? Or is it a little narcissistic?

Also, what IS toner/toning?!

Is it okay for a man to cleanse, tone and moisturise?

I started my son at about age 8...Now at 23 he has beautiful skin!!! Women luv' a man whom takes care of himself!!! My son never lacks for "women/ladies"!!! "Lil' narcissistic" yes, BUT ALL good!!! Gotta luv' ya' self, before ya' can luv' someone else!!!
Reply:why not. just because your a man doesn't mean you can't do these things.
Reply:of course it is...I actually started my fiance doing all that and now his skin is very nice and soft..
Reply:Hell ya it's Ok !! Ladies Like a Man that Takes Care of Himself !!
Reply:Nothing wrong with a man taking care of his appearance.
Reply:It's your skin. tone and moisturize it if you want to.
Reply:Of course it's okay. I love a guy that takes good care of himself.

Toner is used after cleansing. It's used to remove all the dirt and grime the cleanser didn't get. Works very well!
Reply:its ok.i would be happy if my bf did long as u look fine.enjoy urself as a fine bro once in ur life ...loosen up
Reply:of course it is and many popular skin lines for women have a men's line as well. you can use a toner after cleansing-it removes and residue and ph balances your skin before you moisturize.
Reply:it's fine!

toner is a liquid that you put on a washcloth or cotton ball and it will take all the dirt off your face that cleansing may have missed. i think astringent is the same thing, but i'm not positive. anyway, you use it after you've cleansed and before you moisturize.
Reply:I good that you are starting at a young age, cause this will prevent future problem.... plus a clean skin is a healthly skin.

Since you are young don't try any harsh products, it may damage or make the skin very sensitive.

Use a teen line, Like Clean%26amp; Clear or Clear Skin.

Tone is use to take out the extra Deposit that the cleanser get rid of as it tighens pores, and kill Bacteria from the pores.
Reply:It's OK if you're gay.
Reply:definitely! and if you're ok with spending a bit more money than you would spend at a drugstore, i've heard good things about this line made just for men:

toner is meant to restore your skin's pH level to a neutral state. cleansing alters the pH level. toning as a very important step in the skincare process. also, it's a very good idea to use a moisturized that includes a sunblock. this is the best way to protect your skin and if you're using a quality SPF moisturizer, you won't have that gross greasy feeling that a cheap sunblock gives.

Is there hidden discrimination towards black puerto ricans?

First off let me say that i'm not racist in any way. second i'm a puerto rican proud to be one and am darker than what most people think puerto ricans look like. let me tell you my story, about 10 years ago when i was a teenager i was dating this puerto rican girl of european ancestry and we were really in love. when it was time to meet her parents, i noticed espiecially with her father that he was looking at me as if I wasn't going to be accepted by her parents but it didn't bother me. 2 days later she told me she couldn't be with me because i was a black puerto rican and her parents wanted a puerto rican of european ancestry to improve the race or whitening of their family. This is racism right here. my family explained to me that it is not all puerto ricans but there are some who prefer white over black because some think being black is ugly and whitening of their skin will improve their chances of sucess. tell me what you have to say about this.

Is there hidden discrimination towards black puerto ricans?
As Harsh as this sounds, there actually is a hidden discrimination towards black puerto ricans. There is actually a hidden discrimination between all latin people based on skin color depending on who your talking to, especially in Florida. I'm not puerto rican, but I have many friends who are and they talk about stuff like that...
Reply:Well I have heard of things like this before. I have known American blacks who lie in the sun with bleach cream on them, to get lighter...
Reply:I guess they just want their family to be the color it is, with no changes (some people are just closed minded)....... but this was a learning experience for you because you realized that she didn't really loved you that much to fight for you

echale ganas y sigue adelante ;D
Reply:First, love yourself. Be good, kind, loyal, and honest. You are who you are. Anyone having difficulty with the color of your skin isn't worth messing with. Best wishes to you and yours.
Reply:There's discrimination towards Ukrainians too... some people in Canada think all Ukrainians to be gay! Sorry I can't

really answer your question. You're not the only group discriminated on!
Reply:There is a lot of prejudice in the world toward people with dark skin and or nappy hair. I have even seen some Indians from India speak disparagingly about the Indians from the south of India where the skin is really black, like Africans. It's not just the Puerto Ricans---its the rest of the idiots in this here world
Reply:I'm sorry this happen to you men but welcome too the club.

I am dating a very, very nice and superb women..I like her a lot. But, I have a couple of questions..about ...

what I should do with her. One, she is a cigarette smoker, and I am not...I have gotten used to it and it does not bother me, but should I tell her she must quit or I will have to move on. Second, she has a very nice body, but does not show it off...I think she should wear the newer skin tight fashions to show off her assets..She said she will do it if people on this site say so...what should I do...ask her to wear these clothes since she has the body for it..I would hate to lose her, so what should i do?

I am dating a very, very nice and superb women..I like her a lot. But, I have a couple of questions..about ...
Don't try to change her. If you were attracted to her the way she is why would you now try to change her? Enjoy what you have. How would you like it if she wanted you to change?
Reply:You need therapy asap! good thing she still hangs out with you.
Reply:if you got it flaunt it. There is nothing better about summer than tight skirts, no underwear and a nice low cut shirt showing off titties
Reply:The yes she wear the sexier clothes.

As for smoking just pester her til she quits.

What's her name?
Reply:Ok I will tell to her. hey lady dress up as he said!
Reply:Be careful for what you wish for, once you let the freak out of the bag it is hard to get her back in.
Reply:personally, the cigarrretes are hurting you more than her... second hand smoke is more harmful than smoking. i'm not advising you to smoke... but i think you should have her quit. since smoking is a drug basically if you smell like smoke and meet with a client or something (i'm not sure what you do for a living) they might thiink less of you since now most people are against smoking. personally i think you should let her find her own style... and not the skin tight one... maybe she could wear mopre fitting clothes, not tighter ones. just try to compliment her on what she already has and she'll soon start wanting to show off her body and figure more because she feels so good about herself.
Reply:If you don't like her as she is you should step aside and let her find someone who appriciates her as she is. Are you willing to remake yourself so she'll like you more? And if you leave her because she doesn't show off her body you didn't care for her in the first place. As far as the smoking goes she shouldn't stop smoking for you she should stop smoking for herself. You sound like you should get some clay and build yourself a woman.
Reply:firstly i think you shouldnt tell her to quit smoking couse its a bad habit but its her life.about the sexy clothes ,if you want her to wear sexy clothes you can buy her one as a present and tell her how beautiful she she'll realıze it by her own self.
Reply:What is wrong with you man. She should dump you just for thinking this way. If you want to dump her over such silly reasons than you don't deserve her. I understand the smoking deal, but since you got used to it then shut up and count your blessing
Reply:Here are a few words of advice, #1 about the smoking issue, if you met her as a smoker and have dated her for this much time it really isn't fair of you to ask her to quit, how about you meet her half way, tell her very nicely in a sincere way if maybe she could cut down on the smoking or not smoke when she's with you that way you it's not soo much in your face. #2 about the way she dresses, complimenting her is a good way to start implying that she should show off her body a little more, another way to ease into it after compliments is to occassionally buy her the clothes you'd like to see her in, because it's a lot of pressure to just tell her "you should dress more revealing or slutty" know what I mean? It's all in the WAY you do it not what your doing.

Good luck and I hope things work out for you both!
Reply:I'm with the first poster. Let her be who she wants to be. Things go smoother that way. If she likes conservative clothes, fine. Why show her off to others? You get to see the 'assets' and that's what's important. If she likes long, flowing dresses, then great. I think they're a total turn on. Leaves lots to the imagination.
Reply:Smoking is an issue. It will age her looks and shorten hers %26amp; your life span. It subjects you both to diseases you may not otherwise get.

But telling her to quit? Who are you to tell her what to do? Instead, ask her to quit and offer to support and help her in any way possible.

Now, as for the clothing. GROW UP! It's her body and she gets to decide what she wears. For you to say you want her to wear skin tight clothing is about as immature as you can get.

I'm guessing you are about 20 years old. Too young to understand this, I'm sure. But if you don't lighten up with the demanding attitude and the childish acts, you aren't going to have a "superb woman" for very long.
Reply:first of all u request her to quit cigarete as it is harmful to her health. if she really loves u and understands u then she will surely do whatever u say to her. moreover she should obey ur suggestion n she should not hesitate in showing her body.
Reply:i think it's a shame that your lady will only wear skimpy clothes just because people on this site say so!!! i would dump her for being a conformist and not having a mind of her own!!

secondly, you should consider yourself lucky that she is not willing to publicly show off her lovely bod.... and you get it all to yourself!!! i think muslim women who cover themselves from head to toe are incredibly feminine and it leaves to the imagination what is underneath!!!

i think the smoking is the only real problem.....having been there myself. either you've got to become one yourself or she has to kick the habit. all in the name of luuurrrve! good luck!!!
Reply:If you really and truly love her, and you knew then about her smoking when you met her, the best you can do is to encourage her to quit smoking, and as for the other don't try to change her into looking or being something other than herself. People do change years into a relationship, many things about each other will surface later. She is what she is, you need to accept her for what she is, and if she is comfortable in her own skin, you are only interfering and crossing the line, wanting more than the person she truly is right now. If you don't like the way she looks, acts, and so forth, then you may not like her very well on down the road in life. And she will probably resent you for the change you may want in her. She does not have to live up to what you or society believes she is in today's world.PS Keep her the way she is, you might just both be more content. She is who she is and no more, no less.
Reply:There is NO problem with her. YOU need to grow up. The things that you are complaining about are so SUPERFICIAL. Jesus... If you have something that is so great, why the hell do you want to change it. You are annoying. Shut up and leave her alone.
Reply:Wow. She said she'd do it if people tell her to?? Doesn't sound like she's a winner to me. Very submissive. But I guess some people like that.

You shouldn't tell her to quit smoking. It's her decision to kill herself. Not yours. You CAN ask her not to smoke in your home or car though. If she wants to die a slow death, fine, but you shouldn't let her take you down with her.

You shouldn't try to force her to show off her body either. Not everyone wants or needs to be the center of attention. By you wanting her to dress in tight clothing, it's telling me that YOU need the attention. Not her. Love yourself first man! Believe that you deserve a beautiful woman, and that you don't have to prove it to everyone by making yours look like a hooker
Reply:First of all, if you mention it on this site, it means that the smoking still bothers you.

However, I'm more concerned that you seem to be more concerned with the appearance of your girlfriend than how happy or healthy she is. A person who really cares about her would say something like, "I'm concerned about her smoking because it's bad for her health." But instead you said, "I have gotten used to it." Also, I get the impression that you want her to wear tighter clothes to show off her body for, I'm afraid, superficial reasons.

In short, I think you should analyze your relationship and see how deep it really is. It seems that you don't care about her that much.

lady slipper

I've got red bumps all over my back, shoulders, and chest?

I've got red acne-like pimples all over my back, shoulders, and chest. I get them in my scalp and on the bottom of my butt sometimes. I'm wondering what the hell it is because I've tried just about everything.

They are about the size of say... a drop of water and some even smaller. There are small and large ones. They are spread out, not concentrated in a particular area.

When they first pop up it stings for a second and then starts itching, then it hurts when I touch or press on it. They have a little redness around them. After a few days or a week they go away but more and more keep coming up and it's been like this for a couple of months.

It's not contagious as my father doesn't have it and he has touched it many times, but my 58 yr old great aunt has the same problem and she never gets body acne, and I would know. I've seen her walking around in tube tops since I was 2.

I've tried:

bug repellent

anti-rash/itch creams

scabies lotion

acne cleansers

The only other thing I can think of is some kind of skin disease.

If you know anything or have any information please let me know.

I've got red bumps all over my back, shoulders, and chest?
it could be an allergic reaction to something, go to the doctor
Reply:Go to the doctor. You need a prescription

Holidya Quiz? A little help here!?


You have to use synonyms from the song titles to figure them out

1. embellish the interior passageways- Deck the Halls (do you get what i'm saying? Embellish is deck, interior passageways is halls)

2. Nocturnal Time span of unbroken quietness-Silent Night-free to comment

3. the christmas preceding all others

4. diminutive masculine master of skin-covered percussion cylinders-(i think it's) little drummer boy-free to comment

5.obese personification fabricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals

6.natal celebration devoid of color

7. geographic state of fantasy during the season of mother nature's dormancy

8. tinkling of vacillating pendulums in inverted, metallic, resonant cups

9. in a distant location the existence of an improvised unit of newborn children's slumber furniture

10. jovial yuletide desired for the second person singular or plural by us

BONUS-the first person nominative plural of a triumvirate of far Eastern heads of states

Holidya Quiz? A little help here!?
1 - Deck the Halls

2 - Silent Night

3 - The First Noel

4 - Little Drummer boy

5 - Frosty the Snowman?

6 - ?

7 - Winter Wonderland

8 - ?

9 - Away in a Manger

10 - We wish you a Merry Christmas

Bonus - We Three Kings

Hope that helps!
Reply:christmas is fun
Reply:1. hit the 'way

2. quiet evening

3. the other 25th

4. iunno.....

5. th rest iunno...sorry.
Reply:3 - First Christmas

10 - We Wish You A Merry Chirstmas
Reply:4. Little Drummer Boy

5. Frosty the Snowman

6. White Christmas

7. Walking in a Winter Wonderland

8. Silver Bells

9. Away in a Manger

10. We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Bonus We Three Kings

I can't figure out "the Christmas preceding all others" - is there a carol such as "The First Christmas"?
Reply:- #9 is a cradle (i think)

- #4 i am pretty sure it is what you said

- #1 is deck the halls
Reply:1 Deck the Halls

2 Silent Night

3 First Noel

4 Littel Drummer Boy

5 Frosty the Snowman

6 White Christmas

7 Winter Wonderland

8 Jingle Bells

9 Away in a Manger

10 We wish you a mery Christmas

Bonus We Three Kings
Reply:#6- White Christmas?

#7- Winter Wonderland?

#8- Silver Bells?

How'd I do?

Reply:# 3 .. the first noel??

# 4 little drummer boy

# 5 frosty the snowman??

# 6 white Christmas??

# 8 jingle bells??

# 9 away in a manger??

# 10 we wish you a merry Christmas??

Bonus we three kings??
Reply:9 Away in a Manger no crib for a bed.

8. Silver Bells

7. Winter Wonderland

6. White Christmas

5. Frosty the Snowman



1 Deck the halls

2. Silent Night

4. Little Drummer Boy
Reply:hi how r u
Reply:1. Deck the halls

2. Silent night

3. The first Noel?

4.Little drummer boy

5. Frosty the snowman

6. Dreaming of a white christmas

7. Winter wonderland

8. Silver bells

9. Away in a manger

10. We wish you a merry christmas?

the bonus is probably a song about the 3 kings...i know that there are songs about them and with the title "king(s)" but i dont know any off the otp of my head so just try putting "Christmas king songs" in a search engine

thats fun =)

sorry i couldnt help more
Reply:I am having nocturnal visions involving an H2O precipitate of sub-zero temperature (Farenheit!) on the day commemarating the birth of a religious icon that reportedly had no manly contribution to his DNA.


My son is 14 months old, he says a few words,walks, imitates people, does things that most children his age do. He is a happy child, eats good, gains weight steadily, and is active. Since he was born, he has always had a pinkish color under his eyes and his face has always looked pale, sickly looking, he gets outside alot ,so I don't understand why he looks so pale. He also gets watery eyes, runny nose, and and what looks like a rash/dry skin on his cheeks, pretty much it seems like he has a slight cold all the time. I've talked to his pediatrician about this and she does not think it is anything to worry about, but I do not see other children that look like that. I'm thinking of taking him to another dr to get a secod opinion. I'm a first time mom, I do get worried about the slightest thing. Experienced moms, tell me what you think I should do as far as taking him to another dr for a second opinion on this.Thanks alot!!

He is showing classic symptoms of allergies. Take him to an allergist, and this doctor can help you with the problem. This is springtime and tree and flower pollen is high right now, so it may be seasonal. He also could be allergic to milk or other foods, pets, and house dust. He has atopic dermatitis on his cheeks, it is commonly called eczema from what you are describing. Leaving allergies untreated can cause a child to develope asthma and bronchitis.

Pediatricians will say that babies and toddlers do not have allergies. The reason behind this is because if they are tested, the tests come back inconclusive before the age of six.
Reply:I thought you were describing my 14 month old daughter!! That sounds just like her. I'm sure he is fine, he just doesn't have all the sun damage that we do yet.

I asked my doctor about allergies in my daughter, since my husband and I both have them. She said kids that young have not developed allergies yet. Don't know about that though...

Mine has eczema too, and we just can't get rid of it.
Reply:That does sound like allergies. I have one with allergies, and asthma, too. I would get the second opinion.

Edited to add: allergies can definitely show up by 14 months. My daughter had rashes caused by the snaps on her onesies and her nickel allergy, as an infant, and her peanut allergy showed up before she was 2, also.
Reply:Of course take him in for a second opinion. Even if the doctor says the same thing it will be worth the cost of the office visit for your sake and peace of mind.There is nothing wrong with this.

The symptoms you are describing are very normal. My son always had a great complection and my daughter looked just like you described. She grew out of it at around two years old. My son still has the great skin and my poor daughter has to work like a dog to keep her skin clear. Luck of the draw I guess.
Reply:i dont know how else to contact you but i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee your answer on my? about abortion i had very serious depression with my 1st and thought about it but i thank god i didnt every day as he is my whole world
Reply:Both of my sons, ages 7 and 5, have allergies. It's been an ongoing problem for my younger son. He takes Zyrtec(liquid) and has been given singular( a once a day chewable tablet) and a nasal spray(flonase). I have to use a saline spray before the flonase to clean his nose out. We are now considering allergy testing. I didn't know allergies are closely related to asthma and then the Dr. would probably given albuterol or flovent(both inhalers). I would take your son to another Dr. to be sure. I don't like all of the meds that are given, but the flans and saline spray with the singular is helping. Also, covering his mattress and pillows with allergen covers. Frequently washing his bedding and using the air conditioner. Hepa filter air purifiers. They also recommend taking out carpet. Or putting on a mask when vacuuming. The whole nine yards. It's a real chore. Good luck.
Reply:yes sounds like allergies you could try over the counter clartin (for kids or infants) it's in a liquid so easy for them to take if it seems to improve his always runny nose than yes it's allergies they could test him now but i warn you allergy testing sucks(for all the advances in science u think they could come up with a better method now a days) they prick the child with needles and drop drops of pollins and animal dander etc to find out what there allergic too as for the red dry patches it is most likley exczema which exczema and allergies go hand in hand but eczema can get out of control the best creams to use with out a precription is hydrocortizone and than vaseline tryst me i know my 8 year old has suffered terribly for years with both allergies and the worst case of excezma our allergist ever saw (that's what she said ) it took us a few months but his excezma is almost non existant now and only flares up when his allergies are out of control but here's what we do (keep in mind his excezma was all over his body ) he takes zyrtec and cingular daily and he uses two steroid creams with names so long i'll leave it out when his excezma flares up but on a daily basis (nightly) we take a 20 minute warm bath only use dove soap and then i slather him in vaseline it took awhile but his skin is doing great and so are his allergies good luck i really would try on your own with the clartin and see how it goes as most doctors really don't want to treat allergies until the kids are older good luck

Biological variability first, from the point of view of evolutionary theory.?

Please help me with some of my difficulties : I am reading human evolution book.

What is the importance of biological variability first, from the point of view of evolutionary theory.

When was the importance of variability to the concept of evolution first recognized and by whom? - I think by DARWIN .... am I right ?

And, second, from the point of view specifically in explaining variability in modern human populations. Discuss models that have been used to explain how variation appears in populations. ---- I think skin color, blood types etc ........Right ?

Please Help asap

Biological variability first, from the point of view of evolutionary theory.?
Darwin developed his theory of Natural Selection during the Beagle expedition. He was particularly influenced by the "Galapagos Islands.

Here's how one site explained the evolution of the Galapagos Island

"Darwin's observations, specifically on what are now called "Darwin's Finches," regarding the adapted species that existed on the islands eventually provided the basis for his Theory of Natural Selection. Explained briefly, the concept of the evolution of species is based on a number of characteristics of survival and reproduction. In most populations, the number of species is larger than the available resources and competition is inevitable. Within the normal variation that occurs in species, occasionally a mutation or difference will occur that will be somehow advantagous to survival or breeding, and those with the positive change will have a greater number of offspring. As the offspring are likely to receive these same genetic advantages, they also will be more likely to survive and pass on their genes. Those best adapted to their environment, best specified and best adaptive will survive. "

In a nutshell that explains the importance of biological variability. With humans we all have two eyes, ears, a nose and mouth. Yet there's enough variation that we can quickly identify individuals.

Given a species certain variations will mean individuals will do better. They are more likely to mate and pass on their genes. Over time evolution takes place. It was noted that some females of a species of birds mate with males that have the most colorful plumage. When the males were examined it was found that those with the brightest feathers were the most resistant to mites that attacked the feathers.

Darwin wasn't the first to discuss natural selection, his publications did bring it to the attention of scientists and the public.

In the human population the variation of skin color is noticeable. Darker skin is found in the equatorial regions and in the higher latitudes lighter skin predominates. In the great migration out of Africa human skin color changed based on environmental needs. Darker skin was an protection in hot sun, while light skin was more effective where there was less sun. As one site reports "Fair-skinned individuals who sunburn easily and tan minimally or not at all have a higher incidence of skin cancer than dark-skinned individuals"

While you'll see the word "mutation" applied to evolution, variability within the population no doubt provides much of the change is a species
Reply:variability allows natural selection to take place, meaning that there are different traits that allow better fitness
Reply:Without variation of organisms natural selection would have nothing to select. The variations are distributed normally, that is some are beneficial, some are detrimental and some are neutral. In the struggle for existence and especially mates, a small beneficial variation can allow you to leave more decedents, some of which carry the variation down the generations. This entails a change in allele frequency and mover the population in the direction of the beneficial variation.

Think skin color. A mutation that allowed more melanin into the skin in a very sunny latitude would be favored by natural selection, as the possessors of this trait would have an advantage, however so small, of leaving more descendants.
Reply:1) Darwin was not the first to acknowledge variation and its role in evolution, but he did accurately explain how variation acts in evolution.

2) Humans actually have extremely low genetic variation compared to other animals, including chimpanzees. This is likely due to the fact that our ancestors experienced a bottle neck or significant decrease in population around 70,000 years ago. Humans have such diverse phenotypes since they occupy the most diverse niches and biogeography out of any mammal.


Seting myself up to fall?

I have some issues with my bf's mother. She annoys me, fusterates me, plain p*sses me off. She thinks that she knows everything and wont stand to be gently corrected.

Dont get me wrong, I dont put on this face with her, I'm respectful around her and I treat her with respect. She just gets under my skin in the worst way possible.

My boyfriend and I are looking at our future together. He is 26 and still lives with his mom to help her out. He has told me he wants to move out, but needs to get his finacial stuff in order first.

My question is, if things proceed and I wind up marrying this guy, am I doomed to having to deal with her all the time?

Its a big cultural thing for my bf to take care of his parents (being the second son and all..). I've told him I cant live with his mom and that if he plans to keep living with mommy to tell me as Im not interested in wasting my time. He assured me he has plans to move out, but he might not go far.

More to come! Out of space, 1 sec

Seting myself up to fall?
speaking from experience..yes she will always be in your life if you stay with this man. She and her son obviously have a close relationship, and MANY mother-in-law types do not get along with the woman their son(s) choose to be with.

It is wonderful that you are respectful to her, and I am sure your bf appreciates that effort, but does he know how his mother's behavior effects you? If he is aware of it has he taken steps to help you and she get along?

I think it is important you talk this through with your boyfriend and if you can work something out. You and she have something important in common, you BOTH love her son.

Just be careful not to be a doormat or let her be cruel or hurtful to you needlessly, just to please your boyfriend or keep the peace.

I've been in relationships where the man didn't defend me against the mother, and/or where the mother totally disliked me and I know how difficult it is. You want to get along I am sure, but you don't want to spend your life agitated and upset.

In the end, I say talk to your boyfriend, and perhaps both of you can start taking steps together to help you form a better relationship with his mother.

I wish you the best of luck. It is SO much better when everyone can get along, but sometimes it takes a lot of effort.
Reply:There's a good reason to be concerned. Your bf seems to be a mama's boy and the mama seems to be overbearing. That doesn't change after marriage. Sounds to me that his mom is a major part of his life and if you want to be a part of his life then you need get with the idea that your mil will be CLOSE by. And if she's already getting on your nerves... just wait til you say I do!!

What ever decision you make, be sure you will be able to deal with the consequences. You won't be able to say, later on, that you didn't know.

Good luck with that one.
Reply:The way you tell him what you want is directly and honestly. And well before any wedding plans are made. It may be difficult for you to speak up for yourself in this situation but it will be even more difficult if you wait and hope for the best. I made the mistake of keeping quiet before I got married and I continued to keep quiet throughout my marriage. The result? One day I woke up and realized I was invisible and I didn't have a voice. I ended up divorced because I didn't speak up when I should have.

If you believe he will be willing to compromise with you present your possible solution and ask him if he has any ideas. If he's unwilling to compromise, he's telling you he's not the one you want to marry. That doesn't make him a bad person. It just means you're not suited to each other. If you can't speak to him before you get married about things that are important to you, that won't change after you say "I do." If you're planning to spend the rest of your life with this man, start out right by making sure you each have an equal voice in the relationship.

I just cant shake my ex girlfriend?

me and my ex were together for 5 years before she cheated on me yeah i was ready to ask her to marry me. but he cheated and i was curious about why the hell do i want her back in many ways my confidence was shot to hell becasue she left me for a guy who came to my house to fight me, in other words a loser immature kid who has a kid, and me im just finished college and i was faithful for 5 years. Its been about 3 weeks and part of me still wants her back, and i told er id give her a second chance i know the trem once a cheater always a cheater.

I also she once told me to move on, and ive been to,d that if i do this will really get under her skin, so im just a cnfused mess becasue i dont want her to be happy id suck it 10 years she was married to the guy after all that she has done.Ive been told yeah she will come back they always do when they see what they have lost, and day by day im getting stronger but it just i love her but i really want her to see what she lost.

I just cant shake my ex girlfriend?
Move on, she doesn't deserve you. Don't rush into anything. Take it one day at a time.
Reply:did you cheat on her? maybe she was making sure you were the one.
Reply:ONLY you can decide what is best for you, however IF IT were ME, I would be long gone from the picture.
Reply:The way I see it, you have a situation here where you need to choose between: 1) staying connected to someone with self-destructive (and hence relationship-destructive) tendencies, or 2) moving on with your life, knowing that it will be painful, but that you will make it through regardless. You can spend a lifetime with someone who is a mess and tell yourself that you are suffering for your love; however, you can also choose to move on to find someone who really accepts your love and shows you true love in return. The choice is really yours. You need to define for yourself what you think love is and should be, and hold to that if you really believe it. Good luck.
Reply:Dump everything you have heard!

YOu make a decision for yourself, and you keep to it. If your decision is that you cannot forgive her transgfression against you, then that is your boundary and your inner ethical code. She has made her choices. Stick to your choices.

Do not react to her, do not respond to her, do not allow her to feel or believe there is any possibibilty for a future together.

You go on your life, continue your education, choose your next partner with the same values as you. This will bring your great happiness and security. There is nothing worse than mistrust or jealousy in a relationship, so don't ever consider entering one where you already have these doubts, this knowledge of her prior cheating and her pushy/dependency ways....

Learn and grow, and your next relationship may be 100 times better! You will thank yourself later.

Why is it the straight white male doesn't stand a chance anymore?

I'm so sick of the way things are going.if you don't accept homosexuality u hate them.if u don't agree with something a black person does and u voice your opinion u r racist.women are now deeply rooted in the workplace which has brought sexual harrassment.where does it end?in the 80's i was of the opinion that as long as gays kept to themselves and i didn't have to see it they could do what they wanted,now they want to force u to accept them.well i've got news for them,when Jesus comes back they'll be the second ones to burn right after child molesters.and as long as blacks keep complaining about everything from not getting a certain job to the rebel flag being "hate'' and ''discrimination'' there'll never be racial equality.just live and let live and see how much better things get.i don't discriminate against anyone for their skin color.i discriminate against them for there actions.oh and something else that really makes me mad is blacks being racist against whites....

Why is it the straight white male doesn't stand a chance anymore?
I am a white middle-aged "straight" healthy male. So I don't qualify for much of anything...

The only thing that I qualify for, is paying taxes.

I am too young to get benefits, or too old.

I am not a minority and can't get equal rights for a job.

I am not female, so there are no special clinics for me.

I kind of know what you mean. I am too average and easily over-looked upon. Just a normal statistic.
Reply:oh get a life

do u guarantee u will be in heaven

i really have this feeling u will have a seat in the front row on ur trip to hell

dude get a life
Reply:man i was going to read your question since i totally agree with the first line...but when i saw the jesus i stopped reading...too boring for me... to much jesus...bye have a nice day

I am gay and i couldnt care less if you accept me, hate me or love me
Reply:oh poor you, your white heterosexual male privilege is being threatened. life's so hard.

you're pissed off because you don't know sh!t about what it's like to be *really* discriminated against. forgive me if my pity is lacking.
Reply:No,it is not fair.I hate that people feel that they have to just stand around and keep hush.Ya know.Another big deal is that alot of kids in high school are catching onto their parents' influences and gay kids litterally get the **** beat out of them and it is not fair you are right and i think somthing should be done but as long as you keep quiet and say your prayers B will bless us!!!
Reply:Loos like you got your two cents in. Good for you. I totally agree with you. I guess that make us racist.
Reply:You've obviously had a very hard day. :-(

I think all of us wonder about these things (what you've written above) on occasion, but the solution is not anger and frustration.

Always remember, you can't change others, you can only change yourself. And furthermore, always do what you feel in your heart is right. Then and only then will you find peace with yourself and the world.

It may sound lofty and idealistic but it is TRUE and it is obtainable.
Reply:Do you hear yourself? You're complaining. That's why you don't stand a chance. It's not because "the odds are against you" or how much everything is politically correct.

Trust me, I hate the whole political correctness and equal opportunity, it's stupid.

It's how you react to what's going on around that gets you where you are, not what's going on itself.
Reply:So.... what's your question?

You're basically whining about people being different from you and that they speak up about this? It sounds like your version of "live and let live" is similar to early 20th century segregation policy: "You guys stay underfoot, and keep quiet about it, and let me get on with my privileged life." The problem with this nice theory is that socioeconomic inequality cannot be corrected for by just maintaining the status quo - those less privileged than,say, the average white male American have far fewer chances to gain economic footing (i.e. a well-paying job) and social standing (a good education, ability to marry whom they choose, etc) because they are starting off behind the rest of socety in the first place. Fewer opportunities to advance present themselves to a child of the inner city than to one of an upper middle-class suburb.

And your ranting about Jesus and gays burning in Hell is not exactly live and let live.

And oh dear, women in the workplace? How *could* a man control himself from sexually harassing them?

By remembering that they are people too... that whole live and let live thing that you seem to wholly misunderstand.

If you feel like you aren't getting all the chances to, I don't even know what it is you want, maybe get laid, perhaps it's not because of anything but your own lazy sense of self-entitlement that isn't getting you anywhere.

If you even glanced at any data on demographics in the workplace or pay-rate statistics, you'd realize that white males are still on top in this country. Other groups are just finally managing to start to catch up. You should probably thank the rest of the white males out there that the majority of them aren't like you, or they'd be the ones falling behind because they wouldn't be able to do anything but complain.

Stop whining and fix your own problems; don't blame them on others.
Reply:Call me back when you get a real topic to talk about.

If you think you're going to heaven...god i hope i'm not.
Reply:As a straight White male, I've had many problems with people who are not straight White males, and with those straight White males who prefer a pat on their backs to the welfare of their future generations. When I argue reasonably, and honestly, I get nothing but insult, and my posts get deleted. Some nut even followed me around calling me a racist homophobe troll. Yahoo! Answers appears to approve of such behavior because they have yet to respond to my complaint other than by suspending my account. I am in the process of joining organizations who do understand and appreciate our difficulties. A relevant post that I had just written is shown below:;...

Please responders. You are not talking to a group. You are talking to an individual--about whose trials and tribulations you know absolutely nothing.
Reply:Yea my *** bleeds for you.

Women gays blacks jew and latinos have taken over. There are no white men left in the house or senate or in the presidency or on the supreme court. And none of the people running for president are white men. And CEOs of major corporations don't get me started. When was the last time a white guy got one of those jobs?

What a sad delusional little person you are.
Reply:basically what you are saying is: you want everybody else accept your way of life or at least pretend they do and not talk back. And you still want the right to complain like hell if anybody does the same thing back to you. You ever read in the bible the thing about the other cheek and not throwing the first stone? Jesus won't let you go to heaven if you fail in this, so you better start practicing both soon.

So sorry for you times have changed and you are not #1 any more.

Grow up!
Reply:That's "PC" for ya! Where PC comes in, liberty goes out.

I have trichotillomania. It has gone and come back several times in my life.?

First when I was 11, the second when 18 probably went for a year. The thing is, I didn't decide to stop and stop(although I decided to stop several hundreds of times). I just eventually stopped, my life improved and i just stopped doing it(at the time I had a bald patch of about the size of a small mobile phone). So, it's all grown back now. But it still feels the same, itchy under the skin hot and uncomfortable - the urge is still there it always has been. So, the habit is gone but not the urge, i want the urge and the odd feeling that part of my head has, needs to go away not just the habit of pulling the hair out there. Does anyone know lots about this and can help me?

I have trichotillomania. It has gone and come back several times in my life.?
I think I have it too, I pick my eyelashes and eyebrows. Sometimes I end up with huge gaps on my eyelids, it's disgusting. Lately I've pretty much stopped and I'm just waiting for them to grow back, but I get the urge all the time. I don't think it ever goes away. You should try this site there's heaps of information, sufferers' stories, treatment ideas etc. Good for you for getting your hair back!
Reply:I would recommend you see a therapist or preferably a psychiatrist. You may need medication to help with this. It does not mean you are crazy.
Reply:try this


Puppy losing hair?

I have a 12 week old, 2.5lb, female chihuahua. I have noticed on her snout she has a tiny little bald spot on the top and on the side of her snout there looks to be a lil patch of hair thinning and also on one side of the top of her head. It doesn't look like the skin is irritated. She doesn't scratch a lot. She seems to be eating well (She eats Eagle Pack holstice Select mixed with a little baby food). I just recently started her on that dog food. She was on just baby food and yogurt when she was sick a couple weeks ago with Coccidia.

I know I need to take her to the vet. She is scheduled for her second shots soon. So I figure I would have them look then. But does anyone know what it might be? Maybe change of diet? or something?

She is well taken care of.. She stays inside because she is small. She is fed 2-3 times a day. She is my little shadow. She follows me around,sleeps and plays with me all the time.She looks and acts very healthy otherwise. any idea what it could be?

Puppy losing hair?
Well on animal planet it said if the dog looses hair on its face or muzzle you are not treating with enough Love.See the Vet for information.
Reply:Your puppy dosnt sound like it is getting the proper nutrition. Baby food and yogurt is not the proper food for a dog. A dogs coat will suffer if he is not given the proper nutrition, and the dog will have other problems. Take the dog to the vets and get his advice on feeding and proper care of your dog. Its is not a toy and it is not a human baby.
Reply:This is a question for the vet. Hair loss (both in spots and generalized) can be many things from sarcoptic (contagious to humans... aka scabies) to demodectic mange, ringworm (contagious to humans) or a skin infection, for instance.

I have a pup right now that I am fostering that had alopecia, hair loss, with a possible infection of the skin. No mange or ringworm was found (ringworm is pretty distinct, at least to me, while mange can be hard to diagnose at times), and the vet has the little guy on meds for it (clavamox). His hair is coming back very nicely and he looks like a million bucks now, after 10 days. I also bathed him once in a medicated shampoo.

He had a VERY rough start in life, but we're turning that around!

Not uncommon in young pups/kittens, but definitely see the vet sooner than later.
Reply:As far as I can tell, you've been doing everything right. She's had her shots, the dog food you're giving her is a good one and the diet she's on now was veterinarian recommended.

It sounds as though she may have an allergy problem, or it could well be mange. That often starts on the face/head with small patches of hair loss. Your veterinarian can check for mange by doing a skin scraping, it's very easy. If that's the problem he will most likely treat her with special shampoo, or a dip. It will clear it up pretty easily.

If the skin scrapings don't indicate mange, then it may be an allergy. There are lots of different types of allergy, and many dogs have these problems. Check out this url for information on how to diagnose and treat canine skin allergies.

Best of luck with your puppy. enjoy her!