Saturday, July 24, 2010

Why is it the straight white male doesn't stand a chance anymore?

I'm so sick of the way things are going.if you don't accept homosexuality u hate them.if u don't agree with something a black person does and u voice your opinion u r racist.women are now deeply rooted in the workplace which has brought sexual harrassment.where does it end?in the 80's i was of the opinion that as long as gays kept to themselves and i didn't have to see it they could do what they wanted,now they want to force u to accept them.well i've got news for them,when Jesus comes back they'll be the second ones to burn right after child molesters.and as long as blacks keep complaining about everything from not getting a certain job to the rebel flag being "hate'' and ''discrimination'' there'll never be racial equality.just live and let live and see how much better things get.i don't discriminate against anyone for their skin color.i discriminate against them for there actions.oh and something else that really makes me mad is blacks being racist against whites....

Why is it the straight white male doesn't stand a chance anymore?
I am a white middle-aged "straight" healthy male. So I don't qualify for much of anything...

The only thing that I qualify for, is paying taxes.

I am too young to get benefits, or too old.

I am not a minority and can't get equal rights for a job.

I am not female, so there are no special clinics for me.

I kind of know what you mean. I am too average and easily over-looked upon. Just a normal statistic.
Reply:oh get a life

do u guarantee u will be in heaven

i really have this feeling u will have a seat in the front row on ur trip to hell

dude get a life
Reply:man i was going to read your question since i totally agree with the first line...but when i saw the jesus i stopped reading...too boring for me... to much jesus...bye have a nice day

I am gay and i couldnt care less if you accept me, hate me or love me
Reply:oh poor you, your white heterosexual male privilege is being threatened. life's so hard.

you're pissed off because you don't know sh!t about what it's like to be *really* discriminated against. forgive me if my pity is lacking.
Reply:No,it is not fair.I hate that people feel that they have to just stand around and keep hush.Ya know.Another big deal is that alot of kids in high school are catching onto their parents' influences and gay kids litterally get the **** beat out of them and it is not fair you are right and i think somthing should be done but as long as you keep quiet and say your prayers B will bless us!!!
Reply:Loos like you got your two cents in. Good for you. I totally agree with you. I guess that make us racist.
Reply:You've obviously had a very hard day. :-(

I think all of us wonder about these things (what you've written above) on occasion, but the solution is not anger and frustration.

Always remember, you can't change others, you can only change yourself. And furthermore, always do what you feel in your heart is right. Then and only then will you find peace with yourself and the world.

It may sound lofty and idealistic but it is TRUE and it is obtainable.
Reply:Do you hear yourself? You're complaining. That's why you don't stand a chance. It's not because "the odds are against you" or how much everything is politically correct.

Trust me, I hate the whole political correctness and equal opportunity, it's stupid.

It's how you react to what's going on around that gets you where you are, not what's going on itself.
Reply:So.... what's your question?

You're basically whining about people being different from you and that they speak up about this? It sounds like your version of "live and let live" is similar to early 20th century segregation policy: "You guys stay underfoot, and keep quiet about it, and let me get on with my privileged life." The problem with this nice theory is that socioeconomic inequality cannot be corrected for by just maintaining the status quo - those less privileged than,say, the average white male American have far fewer chances to gain economic footing (i.e. a well-paying job) and social standing (a good education, ability to marry whom they choose, etc) because they are starting off behind the rest of socety in the first place. Fewer opportunities to advance present themselves to a child of the inner city than to one of an upper middle-class suburb.

And your ranting about Jesus and gays burning in Hell is not exactly live and let live.

And oh dear, women in the workplace? How *could* a man control himself from sexually harassing them?

By remembering that they are people too... that whole live and let live thing that you seem to wholly misunderstand.

If you feel like you aren't getting all the chances to, I don't even know what it is you want, maybe get laid, perhaps it's not because of anything but your own lazy sense of self-entitlement that isn't getting you anywhere.

If you even glanced at any data on demographics in the workplace or pay-rate statistics, you'd realize that white males are still on top in this country. Other groups are just finally managing to start to catch up. You should probably thank the rest of the white males out there that the majority of them aren't like you, or they'd be the ones falling behind because they wouldn't be able to do anything but complain.

Stop whining and fix your own problems; don't blame them on others.
Reply:Call me back when you get a real topic to talk about.

If you think you're going to heaven...god i hope i'm not.
Reply:As a straight White male, I've had many problems with people who are not straight White males, and with those straight White males who prefer a pat on their backs to the welfare of their future generations. When I argue reasonably, and honestly, I get nothing but insult, and my posts get deleted. Some nut even followed me around calling me a racist homophobe troll. Yahoo! Answers appears to approve of such behavior because they have yet to respond to my complaint other than by suspending my account. I am in the process of joining organizations who do understand and appreciate our difficulties. A relevant post that I had just written is shown below:;...

Please responders. You are not talking to a group. You are talking to an individual--about whose trials and tribulations you know absolutely nothing.
Reply:Yea my *** bleeds for you.

Women gays blacks jew and latinos have taken over. There are no white men left in the house or senate or in the presidency or on the supreme court. And none of the people running for president are white men. And CEOs of major corporations don't get me started. When was the last time a white guy got one of those jobs?

What a sad delusional little person you are.
Reply:basically what you are saying is: you want everybody else accept your way of life or at least pretend they do and not talk back. And you still want the right to complain like hell if anybody does the same thing back to you. You ever read in the bible the thing about the other cheek and not throwing the first stone? Jesus won't let you go to heaven if you fail in this, so you better start practicing both soon.

So sorry for you times have changed and you are not #1 any more.

Grow up!
Reply:That's "PC" for ya! Where PC comes in, liberty goes out.

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