the second I take it out to change it, it closes and I have to pop it through like a very thin layer of skin, or it stops like right in the middle and won't go til after a lot of struggling, and I usually have goo or crust all around the bottom of it. what's wrong? what should I do?
Why does my bellybutton piercing keep closing??
sounds infected
my earring hole did that and i had an infection......clean it with rubbing alchol or ask your doctor what he/she recomends
Reply:Stop taking it out so often!!
If you just got your piercing, let it go for a while, you probably just infected it. Go tell your doctor, he'll give you something for it.
Reply:You should leav the ring in there for a whole week before taking it off. keep it clean. if all fails go back to the place you got it pierce they should be able to tell you how to keep it clean.
Reply:maybe you are taking it out to early. you have to wait 6 months.
Reply:how long have you had it??? your not supose to change it for atleast 1 month ... the goo and crust is usually only there for the 1st few months then goes away if you have had it for a long time like 1 year then go to a doctor and get it checked out
Reply:It's your body trying to heal itself, oh dumb one. It doesn't like any extra holes in it besides those it came with.
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