Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is there a medical cause for having low amniotic fluid besides breaking your water or being over due?

I have had 2 over due babies and 3 babies total ( the first was not over due). The first overdue baby was a week late and I was induced because I had low amniotic fluid. The second baby born overdue was born 4 days before his due date, measured very small throughout my pregnancy, and was born with no water - his skin peeling at delivery. Is there a condition that causes this to occur? Or was my ultrasound and midwife off on my due date? I am concerned because I am pregnant now and do not want to experieince the same thing with this baby, I think my due date is wrong again. ( I'm having a boy and my first son was overdue and weighed 6lbs full term- so I think my boys are smaller than my girls)

Is there a medical cause for having low amniotic fluid besides breaking your water or being over due?
I had the same problem in the sixth month of my second pregnancy, I was not building proper amniotic fluid, my OB had me on a tight string, bed rest, drinking more water a day then should be legally allowed, and in every other day for an ultra sound to measure my amniotic fluid. He said that this could cause sever problems for my baby and if need be they would take her at six months, because she would have a better chance at survival then staying in such low fluid. If your amniotic fluid is low and your midwife is doing nothing if I were you I would seriously seek another opinion. This is not safe for you or baby!
Reply:For a true, proper, accurate, and correct diagnosis, please ask your question to a doctor.
Reply:My low amniotic fluid with my 3rd pregnancy (the first two were fine) was attributed to my blood pressure and the need to medicate me to keep it controlled...

However there were questions about my due date also.

I'd make sure to mention (and mention, and mention) this to your midwife and make sure that they follow it CLOSELY! We delivered my son early by c-section after following with montly ultrasounds and watching the fluid drop.

Best of luck to you!!
Reply:Since your children didn't have any reported problems with the kidneys, I wonder if you just had regular leaks? To strengthen the amniotic sac, vitamin C taken in larger amounts can make the amniotic sac very tough. Kids are often born 'in the caul', the sac still unbroken. Talk to your doc before taking it, of course, to make recommendations about how much supplemental vit. C to take as I've only heard of megadoses working (2000-3000 mg).
Reply:hey thanks for answering my question. im not here to answer your question and sorry abt that but on your profile you have it to where nobody can IM or send you a email. i just wanted to laet you know that my email is and the same for my IM if you wanna chat at all thats cool once again thanks!!!

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