I've had this phrase, the "King of Hearts" stuck under my skin for the past week now...twice in the past three days I've randomly encountered it. First time it was the literal *playing card* left face-up on the sidewalk in my neighborhood, second time it was the front-page title of a magazine article with the magazine being in the lobby area of my apartment building. I dunno, maybe I am overthinking this, but...
It just seems odd is all that I would encounter this one, and encounter it now, the week *of* my 40th birthday (turned 40 this past Monday, didn't really get to celebrate, was rather broke and alone).
But yeah, I am not saying there is a right answer, a good one or a bad one, only that there is a mystery and I am baffled by its sheer randomness.
Clue Please? And I am asking for a clue not a personal attack, ok? I know I've been a ranty bastid lately...that isn't the issue, sorry. :) If you seek to rant at me, keep it in email please...
Who is the King of Hearts? (see details, this is a weird one)?
Happy Birthday! A day late and a dollar short.
I know Roy Orbison has an album of the "King of Hearts", it could be a sign to hear the song. But, it could also mean that the King of Hearts is your lucky card. Or, it could mean that you are the King of someone's heart. Or your heart could be the King of Hearts waiting for a personal attack to happen. Or maybe you are the King of Hearts who is reading into this too much.
Just taking wild guesses, take your pick of any, free of charge.
Reply:Thanks! Just remember when your friends have their birthday, act like they did when it was yours. I hope you had a great birthday without your friends treating you badly. Report It
Reply:......... Report It
Reply:I only know that Cardiopulmonary gets copies of King of Hearts reports.
Reply:Isnt the Kind of Hearts the "suicide king" ya know, the king on the playing card that holds the sword going through his head? Or is it the king of diamonds....i know its a red king, so go check.
Reply:Coincidence. You are thinking too hard on this one my friend.
Reply:King of Hearts? I think that the playing card was modeled after King Charlemagne of France...dunno what that has to do with anything you've seen, however... sorry...
PS: I thought the Suicide King was King David, the King of Spades..? If I am not mistaken..
Reply:Don't know! But I know who the 'Queen of Hearts" was!
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