Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cause of droopy eyelid- Bell's or known aneurysm?

Any docs out there? I went to the ER in December due to facial drooping. Since I could raise by eyebrow they ordered a MRI. I was told that I had a 11mm aneursym on the carotid by the opthalmic origion just below the brain. After my arteriogram they found a second 4mm PCOM on the other side in the brain. The small on was clipped in March. I was told the large one was in a spot too risky to treat. I still can't close my eye easily and the skin from just below the eyebrow folds over my lid. I was told I had Bell's, but I know Bell's is a "default " diagnosis. Can it possibly be caused from pressure from the aneursym? They're on the same side.

Cause of droopy eyelid- Bell's or known aneurysm?
I'm no doctor, but it sounds to me like that aneurysm on your ICA is putting pressure on the facial nerve anterior to the optic chiasm and your symptoms are on the ipsilateral side. Is you vision affected at all? (other than the droop). Bell's Palsy is temporary and it's specific to the cranial nerve number 7- facial nerve. This aneurysm might be kinda giving you permanent Bells palsy.

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