I have a 12 week old, 2.5lb, female chihuahua. I have noticed on her snout she has a tiny little bald spot on the top and on the side of her snout there looks to be a lil patch of hair thinning and also on one side of the top of her head. It doesn't look like the skin is irritated. She doesn't scratch a lot. She seems to be eating well (She eats Eagle Pack holstice Select mixed with a little baby food). I just recently started her on that dog food. She was on just baby food and yogurt when she was sick a couple weeks ago with Coccidia.
I know I need to take her to the vet. She is scheduled for her second shots soon. So I figure I would have them look then. But does anyone know what it might be? Maybe change of diet? or something?
She is well taken care of.. She stays inside because she is small. She is fed 2-3 times a day. She is my little shadow. She follows me around,sleeps and plays with me all the time.She looks and acts very healthy otherwise. any idea what it could be?
Puppy losing hair?
Well on animal planet it said if the dog looses hair on its face or muzzle you are not treating with enough Love.See the Vet for information.
Reply:Your puppy dosnt sound like it is getting the proper nutrition. Baby food and yogurt is not the proper food for a dog. A dogs coat will suffer if he is not given the proper nutrition, and the dog will have other problems. Take the dog to the vets and get his advice on feeding and proper care of your dog. Its is not a toy and it is not a human baby.
Reply:This is a question for the vet. Hair loss (both in spots and generalized) can be many things from sarcoptic (contagious to humans... aka scabies) to demodectic mange, ringworm (contagious to humans) or a skin infection, for instance.
I have a pup right now that I am fostering that had alopecia, hair loss, with a possible infection of the skin. No mange or ringworm was found (ringworm is pretty distinct, at least to me, while mange can be hard to diagnose at times), and the vet has the little guy on meds for it (clavamox). His hair is coming back very nicely and he looks like a million bucks now, after 10 days. I also bathed him once in a medicated shampoo.
He had a VERY rough start in life, but we're turning that around!
Not uncommon in young pups/kittens, but definitely see the vet sooner than later.
Reply:As far as I can tell, you've been doing everything right. She's had her shots, the dog food you're giving her is a good one and the diet she's on now was veterinarian recommended.
It sounds as though she may have an allergy problem, or it could well be mange. That often starts on the face/head with small patches of hair loss. Your veterinarian can check for mange by doing a skin scraping, it's very easy. If that's the problem he will most likely treat her with special shampoo, or a dip. It will clear it up pretty easily.
If the skin scrapings don't indicate mange, then it may be an allergy. There are lots of different types of allergy, and many dogs have these problems. Check out this url for information on how to diagnose and treat canine skin allergies. http://www.the-puppy-dog-place.com/canin...
Best of luck with your puppy. enjoy her!
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