Okay, so here is the $64,000 question for the day...
I have this little round...thing....on my left pointer fingertip. I think it is a callous because it is extremely pretty numb, but it might also be a scar or a wart. The only things that make me feel like it isn't one of those things, though, are:
1.it never hurts, has any fluid, or spreads
2. It never grows
3. It peels every now and then, like loses skin on the top....and I have never realy known any scar tissue to do that, at least not on me.
It starts peeling in the middle every few , then it kinda movs outward.
I THINK that I might have burned it once or twice though, though I seupect that would form a scar rather than a callous? Or do you think it might have scarred the first time and then calloused the second?
I'm hoping it's not an infection of some kind....since it hasn't spread at all, I don't think it is..
I will ask my dermatologist about this on my next visit, but do any of you have any ideas?
Wart, Scar, or Callous?
You've already answered this one pretty well yourself. It's probably one of those. Peeling leads away from a scar, unless it's really new. If the fingerprints go around it, it's more likely to be a wart. If the prints go over it, it's a callous (again, a callous is kind of unlikely on a fingertip).
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